Chapter Seven

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Who is this?

Take a guess, darling

Ha Hyunsang
How did you get my number?

I have my own ways, darling

You call me that a lot

And you like it ;)


Anyway, wanna come over
now or should I?

For what?

To discuss what we have
to do for the seminar
Were you expecting
something else? ;)

Oh gosh
Let me check
with my brother
if you can come over


Yeah, he's very

"Jongho!" you yell for your brother from your room. He doesn't answer so you yell again. "Jongho! Choi Jongho!"

"Yeah?" you hear him yell back.

"Come here!"

You hear him groan before he came into your room, rubbing his eyes. "Gosh, what do you want? I was just gonna take a nap! It's a Sunday afternoon for heaven's sake."

"I'm calling my seminar partner over," you say.

"So why are you telling me that?"

"Just letting you know," you say with a shrug. He rolls his eyes before going to his own room, closing the door behind him.

You can come over

Send me your
location, darling

503C, 5th floor
Haneul apartments

I'll be there in 15

You tidied your room while you waited for Hyunsang. After nearly fifteen minutes, your doorbell rang. You opened it, revealing Hyunsang who was dress in ripped jeans and a red hoodie.

"Hello, darling," he greets you with a smirk.

"Hey, come in," you say and he follows you inside to your room. You close your bedroom door, making him raise an eyebrow. "My brother is sleeping."

"Oh, thought you had something else in mind," he teases. It didn't really have an effect on you, unlike when Seonghwa teases you.

"Let's start," you simply say, sitting on your bed and switching on your laptop to make the PowerPoint Presentation.

After discussing which topics you will be talking about for all three days, Hyunsang actually worked quietly, only talking when necessary. You noticed that he was quite smart and had such creative ideas.

"So how did you get admission at KQ?" he asks when you both take a break to drink some tea.

"My grades," you answer. "What about you?"

"Same, darling," he replies. "Well, they weren't going to give me admission because my score in Korean was a little less. My parents were so ready to pay thrice the amount, but I ended up getting accepted in the end during the interview."

You both continue preparing for the seminar for nearly an hour until you heard some noise and multiple voices coming from your living room. "You have guests?" Hyunsang asks.

"My brother's friends have come over," you answer, stretching your arms out in front of you.

"How come you live with your brother?"

"Well, he's a 2nd-year at our university," you explain. "He's actually supposed to be a freshman, but he joined Kindergarten a year earlier."

Hyunsang nods before his phone started ringing. He takes his phone out from his pocket and answers it. "Hello? . . . Hmm, yeah, I'll be there, babe . . . Uh, surprise me."

He hangs up and looks at you. "Well, I should get going now, darling. I've got an appointment, if you know what I mean." He smirks.

"Oh gosh," you snort. "I'll walk you to the door."

All the Ateez boys were seated in your living room, watching Yeosang and Hongjoong play chess. They all turn to look at you when they notice you emerge from your room. However, they all had a shocked look on their faces.

"What the actual fuck is he doing here?!"


End of Chapter Seven.

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