Chapter Four

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"Oh, hey, Jena!" Seonghwa greeted you normally like as if he wasn't doing anything wrong right now. He didn't even attempt to push the girl off his lap despite you, his girlfriend, standing right in front of him.

"Get off his lap," you state sternly, glaring at Hyerim. Seonghwa frowned at your harsh tone, wondering why you were acting like that. Hyerim scoffs, ignoring your words and scooting closer to him.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "I said get the fuck off his lap."

Seonghwa whispered something in Hyerim's ear and she finally gets up, rolling her eyes at you before she left.

"What was that about?" Seonghwa questions you, not looking pleased at all.

You snorted. "I should be the one asking you that. So what the actual fuck was that, Seonghwa?"

"What do you mean?"

Was he for real?!

"Wow, are you serious?" you chuckle bitterly. "Can you explain why you let another girl sit on your damn lap when you have a fucking girlfriend?"

Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Hongjoong were just quietly watching the scene. Hongjoong knew something would end up happening the instant Hyerim sat on Seonghwa's lap. Yeosang was mentally hoping that Seonghwa won't fuck up now. Wooyoung, on the other hand, was starting to realize how much he hurt Mirae by flirting back with other girls to the point where she had to break up with him.

Seonghwa stood up from the sofa, towering over you with his tall height. He took your hand and pulled you upstairs to one of the rooms. He closed the door behind him and turned around to face you.

"Why are you suddenly acting like this, Jena? What's wrong?" he questions, moving to sit on the bed. "I didn't even do anything wrong."

"Do you seriously think that you weren't doing anything wrong?!" you voice was raising.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "Jena, you did not have to make a scene befo---"

"Let's break up, Seonghwa."

Only the loud music could be heard.

"What?" Seonghwa whispers, staring at you in shock. "I . . . Jena, tell me this is a joke."

"It's not," you say. "I'm breaking up with you."

"For something as stupid as that?"

You snorted. "Do you think that's the only reason, Seonghwa?"

He frowned. "Well, then enlighten me."

"Has your popularity gotten to you this much that you don't even understand what you've been doing?" you say softly, looking away from him. "Seven months, Seonghwa. It's been seven months since we started dating and you treat me like as if I'm a stranger in front of everyone except your friends."

"I've seen you flirting with other girls and you let them flirt with you," you continue, tears now streaming down your cheeks. "I had to watch my own boyfriend ignore me at parties and at university just because of his fucking reputation. And now I had to witness you let another girl sit on your lap, and you made no effort to push her away even though I was right there. How do you think that made me feel?"

Seonghwa just kept quiet, letting your words sink in.

"I feel like you've only been using me," you mumble. "Or you embarrassed of me or something?"

Seonghwa still didn't say anything. He was only staring at you with a blank expression. He opened his mouth multiple times to say something, but nothing came out. He wanted to say so many things, but he just wasn't able to.

Seonghwa visibly gulped. "Can we . . . just stay as friends then? I don't wanna lose you." he whispers the last part, but you heard him. His eyes were filled with tears and it broke your heart.

"Sure," you smiled a little, but it didn't reach your eyes. You looked at Seonghwa one more time before leaving him alone in the room with his own thoughts.


End of Chapter Four.

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