Chapter Thirteen

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"Shh, Keonhee! Don't yell!" you cover his mouth with your hand. "I have neighbors, you know?"

"Do you think I care?" he says but it was muffled; however, you could make out what he said. You slowly pull your hand away from his mouth.

"Jena, what happened to being smart?" Jungwoo asks, raising an eyebrow. "Last week you said that you wouldn't fall for him and you love Seonghwa, and now you're suddenly dating Hyunsang?"

You sigh and look away. You hated lying to your closest friends. "Things change, Jungwoo."

"This is a bad idea," Jungwoo sighs, leaning his head back on the headrest of the couch.

"The stupidest decision you've ever made," Keonhee states.

"I agree," Mirae says. "Jena, he's literally gonna fuck you over."

"People change, Mirae," you mumble. "Besides, he's just a fuckboy."

"Well, you're dating that fuckboy."

You were about to reply, but the front door to you apartment suddenly opened, hitting the wall next to it. "CHOI JENA! WHAT THE FUCK?"

You knew this would happen so you mentally prepared for it. Still, you wondered what Hyunsang did for your brother and his friends to loathe Hyunsang this much.

"What is it, Jongho?" you ask nonchalantly, even though you knew what he meant. Mingi and Yunho were right behind him, giving you a disappointed look.

He chuckles bitterly. "Ha Hyunsang?! You've got to be kidding me!" He comes to stand in front of your face, and for a second, you were actually scared. You've never seen Jongho this angry before; it really frightened you. Yunho pulls Jongho back after seeing your scared expression.

"You're gonna break up with him right now, Choi Jena!"

"No," you protest. "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I like him, Jongho!" you lie. You were surprised that it sounded so natural.

"Then stop fucking liking him!" he yells.

"Jongho, calm down," Yunho warns. "You're going to make her cry."

"So let her cry," Jongho says, his eyes glaring at you. "I'm so disappointed in you, Jena. I'm disgusted that you're my sister."

You quickly run to your room, not able to take it anymore. You lock yourself, immediately breaking down in tears. Jongho's words hurt you deeply. In fact, it was the most hurtful thing he was ever said to you.

Mirae knocked on your door but you didn't move to open it; you wanted to be alone right now and you knew she'd understand.

After a while of crying and deep thinking, you decided that you were going to tell Seonghwa and the rest the truth; you couldn't risk losing your brother and friends over something like this. You decided to talk to Seonghwa first instead of Jongho, knowing that Jongho would need a lot of time to cool down. You quickly got dressed into something casual before you left your apartment.

Fortunately for you, Seonghwa lived close by, so it only took you less than fifteen minutes to walk to his apartment. You spent the short time thinking about what you would say. You hoped Seonghwa would understand and forgive you for hurting him.

When you got to Seonghwa's apartment, the watchman told you that he still hasn't come back from wherever he went, so you decided to wait outside on a bench for a while; it gave you more time to think.

You waited for nearly an hour until your phone started ringing; Mirae was calling you. "Hello?" you answer tiredly.

"Jena, could you come to KQ University Hospital?" you hear her take a deep breath. "Seonghwa got beaten up badly."


End of Chapter Thirteen.

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