Chapter Sixteen

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The next day, you were at your parents house since they called you and Jongho home. Of course, you didn't come here with Jongho; he told them that he had some university work. He brought Yeosang and Mingi along with him. Your parents didn't mind, especially since Yeosang was coming; he was their favourite.

"Mom, why are there three extra plates here?" you ask your mom, helping her bring the food dishes to the dining table. Before she could answer, the doorbell rang. Your father opened the door and you heard him greet someone.

You gasp when you saw the three guests enter.

What was Hyunsang and his parents doing here?

"Hey, darling!" Hyunsang greets you, kissing your cheek before he turned to his parents. "Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend, Choi Jena."

"We've heard so much about you, Jena," Hyunsang's mother says. "We're so glad that you've agreed to be a part of our family."

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean?" you ask in confusion.

"The marriage proposal, of course, dear!" Hyunsang's father states happily. "We were thrilled when you and your parents agreed to marrying my son."

Your eyes widened. What the actual fuck?

"Please, excuse me for a second," you say and turn to your mom. "Mother, can we talk for a minute?" you ask and go to your old room.

"What is it?" your mother asks.

"How could you and dad agree to a marriage proposal without even asking me about it first?"

"Why not? He's your boyfriend, you would've gotten married to him eventually," she says as if it wasn't a big deal to you.


"We were searching for a guy for you, anyway," she says, cutting you off. "He's from a huge, successful business family, Jena. Do you realize how lucky you are?" You just kept quiet. You knew nothing you said would change her mind; especially since your father agreed to it. "Don't make a scene about it, Jena."

Your mother leaves the room. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you harshly wipe them away. You took a deep breath, calming yourself down. You couldn't break down right now; you had to be strong.

Throughout dinner, you remained quiet while your parents and Hyunsang's parents discussed the wedding which was going to be held in nearly two weeks; you only spoke when they asked for your opinion on something.

Unsurprisingly, they decided to keep a grand wedding. They were going to talk care of everything; the only thing you needed to do was to try on your wedding dress. You wondered how they would manage to arrange everything in just a little more than a week and a half.

You moved your food around your plate with your chopsticks; you didn't have the appetite to eat at all. You absolutely loathed the situation right now and you were considering running away. But of course, you wouldn't do that; you just couldn't embarrass your parents like that.

Yeosang noticed everything from the beginning. He noticed how shocked and confused you were, and how sad you were now. It was clear that you had no feelings for Hyunsang, so he was extremely curious as to why you were in a relationship with him; there was clearly something he was missing, and only you could give that final clue to him.

On the other hand, Jongho and Mingi thought that you weren't too thrilled about getting married so soon. Jongho really wanted to disown you and Mingi was worried about how Seonghwa would react to the news.


End of Chapter Sixteen.

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