Chapter Seventeen

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Seonghwa took another shot at the club, feeling the alcohol burn his throat. He loved clubbing, but today just seemed different.

"You're drinking a lot," Hongjoong points out and Seonghwa just shrugs in response. "Is something bothering you, Hwa?"

"I feel like I'm being unfair," Seonghwa answers.

"Unfair? What do you mean?"

"I'm screwing around with Shinhye, hoping that Jena will come back," he chuckles. "But looks like Jena doesn't even care."

"So you're concerned about Shinhye?" Hongjoong asks, a little shocked. Seonghwa never really cared about other girl's feelings.

"Yes, but at the same time, not really," he sighs. "I know Shinhye's just using me."

"Well, you aren't dating her so you don't have anything to lose."


"You aren't catching feelings for Shinhye, right?"

Seonghwa chuckles before ordering more shots. "You know me, Joong. Shinhye really doesn't mean anything to me and I love Jena. It's just that after Jena put some sense into me, I realised that it was wrong to screw around while I had a girlfriend."

"And even though I'm single now," Seonghwa continues, slightly drunk now. "My heart still belongs to Jena. I feel like I'm cheating on her with Shinhye, even if we're not together, you know?" Hongjoong nods, attentively listening to his bestfriend. "I hate that she chose Ha Hyunsang."

"I feel like there's a reason for it," Hongjoong says, more to himself. "If Jena had a problem with you flirting with other girls, why would she date Hyunsang when he goes and shoves his dick into every female he looks at?" The last sentence made Seonghwa laugh.

"Maybe she's hoping that he'll change for her?"

Hongjoong shrugs, taking a shot. "Who knows."

Seonghwa ponders about something before he takes another shot. He noticed Shinhye enter the club with Yunho and Mingi who picked her up from her apartment. Seonghwa couldn't deny that Shinhye was gorgeous; but in his eyes, no one was better than you.

Shinhye makes her way towards Seonghwa, lustfully eyeing him from head to toe. He wished it was you looking at him like that; unfortunately for him, he never even got that chance because he never interacted with you in public. He regretted that so much and felt like absolute shit because he made that rule himself.

Shinhye stops right in front of Seonghwa. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss that he drunkenly returned. He wished it was you who he was kissing. He wanted to pretend that he was kissing you, but he knew your lips so well. The way Shinhye kissed him was so different: it was full of lust. Whereas your kisses were always filled with love.

Seonghwa pulls away from the kiss, suddenly feeling unwell. "I'm going to leave."

"But I just got here," Shinhye pouts but it had no effect on him.

Seonghwa ignores her and turns to his best friend. "Hongjoong, could you book a cab? My phone died an hour ago."

Hongjoong nods and books a cab while Shinhye tried to convince Seonghwa to stay.

"I'm sorry, Shinhye, but I really need to go home now."

She just rolls her eyes and walks away, finding someone to shove her tongue down their throat.

Seonghwa didn't even care when he saw Shinhye making out with some random guy on the dance floor.

"Your cab's here," Hongjoong says, standing up from his seat. "I'll drop you there."

Seonghwa shakes his head. "I'll go by myself." He gets up from his seat, swaying a little.

Hongjoong just rolls his eyes before grabbing Seonghwa's arm and pulling him outside to the cab.


End of Chapter Seventeen.

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