Chapter Eleven

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One week later

The seminars went well; the highschool students seemed to enjoy it and many of them asked a lot of questions that you gladly answered. You gave them tips on how to ace their entrance exams and what they need to do to get accepted at prestigious universities like KQ.

During this one week, you got pretty close to Hyunsang. He was a great guy, honestly. You found yourself enjoying his company a lot.

Right now, you were at a noodle bar near your university with Hyunsang. You just finished eating and waited for him to finish.

He clears his throat after he finishes his food. "Choi Jena, I have something to say to you."

"What is it?" you ask.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure how to do this," he replies with a soft chuckle. "But I really like you and want you to be my girlfriend. I want us to date."

You froze for a second, not expecting this at all.

"Hyunsang, I'm sorry but I don't have any feelings for you," you say honestly. "I see us as nothing more than friends."

His smile falters. "Why don't you have feelings for me?"


"It's because of Park Seonghwa, isn't it?" he asks. You don't say anything. "I get it," he chuckles bitterly. "But darling, if you don't date me, I'm afraid I'll have to hurt your lover boy."


"You heard me, sweetheart," he says nonchalantly. "You have two options: either you date me happily, or you don't date me and watch your precious Seonghwa get hurt."

"What's wrong with you, Ha Hyunsang?!" you half-yell. "Why are you suddenly behaving like this?"

He rolls his eyes. "Make your choice, darling."

You snort. "I'm not falling for your empty threats, Hyunsang."

He chuckles and takes his phone out from his pocket. He dials someone's number and puts the phone on speaker. "Hello?"

"Ah, Chibin! Where are you?"

"Currently following Park Seonghwa like you told me to."

Your heart drops. This wasn't true, right? What if he's just faking it?

As if Hyunsang could read your mind, he says, "Bro, video call me right now."

The guy hangs up and then video calls. Hyunsang shows you the screen and indeed, the guy was following Seonghwa who happened to be alone right now, walking to his apartment while he listened to some music. You mentally cursed him for wearing earphones while someone was following him.

"Show her what you're gonna hit Park Seonghwa with," Hyunsang says, and the man shows you a baseball bat.

"What the actual fuck?" you murmur.

"Have you decided what you want, darling?"


"Chibin, you can hit him in the head."

Chibin approaches Seonghwa and raises his bat, ready to strike.

"No! No, please! I'll date you!"

You see Chibin lower the bat and you breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Good girl," Hyunsang says with a smile. "Now there are some rules you need to follow."

"What rules?"

"You will be a decent girlfriend and you will not meet or even talk to Park Seonghwa ever again," he states. "And you will not tell anyone about this. If any one finds out, I won't hesitate to break his skull. Even if you hate this entire situation, you better act well. Do you agree?"

Tears began running down your cheeks. "Why are you do-"

"Chibin." The man raises his bat again.

"Fine! Okay, I agree!"

Hyunsang smiles before hanging up on Chibin. "Well, let's celebrate the beginning of our new relationship, sweetheart!"


End of Chapter Eleven.

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