Chapter Three

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The band made it across the street and to the venue without any fanfare.  Josh deposited Rose at the right of the stage, nearest to Sam.  She was on pins and needles waiting for the show to begin.  She watched all the activity with interest.  The stagehands and roadies were amazing as they set the stage up with brisk efficiency. And the auditorium was filling up fast.  How could the guys be so calm?  There must be three-thousand fans out there, probably more.  She could never do it.

She watched for two hours and was seriously getting worried when the lights suddenly went off and the stage lights came on.  Rose was so excited!  And then she saw them come on stage from the left.  And the crowd roared.  Rose watched as the guys took their places, strapped on the guitars, picked up the drumsticks, and grabbed the microphone. And then, music!  Glorious noise as Rose had never heard it before.  It seemed to reach a primal place in her soul, a place untouched before now.

The more Rose heard the more she wanted.  She watched Josh work for the crowd seemingly effortlessly and his smile was sometimes flashed for her she was sure.  The guys were on the last tune when a strange girl came up to Rose.  She looked Rose over and then said, "He's wonderful isn't he?"

Rose knew she was talking about Josh.  "Yes, he is," she agreed.

"Who are you dear?" asked the girl.

Rose knew she was a groupie.  "I'm Rose."

"I'm Angel.  I guess if there was a lead position, I'd have it.  And Joshikins is my man.  You dig?"

"What?  I'm here..."

"You're here, hum, that reminds me, how did you get here?  Blow some roadie to get here or fuck someone?  I suppose all the men drool over your body, huh?  Well, you're not band caliber, so don't even try.  Josh belongs to me and make no mistake, fuck with me and I will mess you up."

She said all this with a smile and Rose was about to reply when she heard Josh say, "Goodnight New York!" and head off stage coming her way.  Or was he coming for Angel?  Rose backed off a few paces and when Josh saw Angel, he stopped.  A stagehand came over and handed him a towel. Josh mopped his face and bare chest and then said, "Hello, Angel."

She beamed and replied, "Hello, Joshikins.  Great show!  The music was stellar!"

"Thanks.  Shouldn't you be back with the other girls?  We have an encore, then the party starts."

"I'll have a drink ready and waiting," Angel cooed as she ran a finger down Josh's cheek.

"I have to go," and Josh said to Rose, "Wait for me."  Rose was confused.  Wait for him?  She didn't feel like partying, though a joint and some tequila would be nice.  And she certainly wasn't interested in watching him flirt with Angel all night.  But she stayed.  She would thank him again, and then she would leave.

The band performed "Black Smoke Rising" as their encore and finally, Josh said, "We love you, New York!  Goodnight!"  The show was over, the band left the stage and the main lights came on.  Josh came off the stage and took a fresh towel.  "Whew, hot out there tonight!" he said to Rose as he mopped his face once again.  "I know this is a bit gross, but would you do my back?"

Rose nodded and Josh removed his vest.  Rose used a delicate touch and mopped the sweat off Josh's back.  "Thanks," he said as he turned to face her again.

"You're welcome.  Well, it's getting late and you've got a party to go to so I guess this is goodbye.  It really was the most wonderful time.  I'll remember it always."

Rose put out her hand for a handshake, and Josh just looked at it.  "Why are you always running from me, Rose?"  Rose slowly lowered her hand.  She was at a loss for words.  "If I were going to the party, I'd already be there.  I don't want to go.  Do you?" he asked.

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