Chapter Fifteen

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Rose came to slowly.  But when she remembered what had transpired, she sat bolt upright.  She was wild-eyed and fighting the arms holding her.  She had to get out, she had to get away!

"Rose!  Calm down!  It's me, Josh!"

Rose calmed down by degrees.  At last, she leaned against Josh and trembled violently.

"Calm down, darlin', nothing's gonna hurt you."  'At least not now' Josh thought but didn't say it out loud.

Rose looked around.  The police had cleared the diner and the staff was cleaning up in preparation for closing.  She did not see Jake.

"Jake!  Where's Jake?" 

"Talking to the police in the back office.  They've already talked to me, but you're going to have to give a statement.  Can you?  Or would you rather wait?"

"As long as you come with me.  God, Josh, he had a gun!  He wants to kill me!  And now you and Jake too!"

"I know, I know baby, but please, you've got to calm down.  Your heart is beating like a jackhammer.  I'll go with you.  We'll be in Louisanna tomorrow.  Steve will still be here, hiding from the cops.  And we've discussed it and we're going to hire extra security."

"How long was I out?"

"A good hour.  I didn't think you'd ever come to.  The cops offered me a popper for you, but I decided you could use the downtime."

A door opened in back and Jake came walking out.  Rose finally pulled herself from the diner floor and stood.  Jake stopped in front of her.  Rose looked at Jake a moment then threw her arms around him.  "Thank you, thank you!  That seems so inadequate for saving my life, but it's all I have.  I'm so glad you were here, Jake."

Jake hugged Rose back and looked to his twin.  Josh nodded imperceptibly.  At last, Rose stepped back.  "Both of you, I don't know what I would have done," and Rose started to cry and shake again.

"She's in no shape to give a statement tonight.  We can do it first thing in the morning if the cops are agreeable.  Then we can still make the eleven o'clock departure," Josh said as he held Rose.  As it was, none of them were going to sleep well.  Jake went back, talked to the officer in charge, and got things squared away.  Then, in a squad car, they went back to the hotel.

Once they were there Rose tuned out.  She didn't remember avoiding the fans or the ride up in the elevator.  She didn't remember Josh taking off her shoes and Jake putting her to bed.  She did remember the dreams she had and when dawn was just pinking the sky, she opened her eyes.  She had dreamed Steve had pulled the trigger.

She felt a body next to hers.  Assuming it was Josh, she snuggled up to it.  The body next to her put its arms around her and she knew, this wasn't Josh.  She sat bolt upright and barely stifled a scream.  The body belonged to Jake.  Josh was a bit away on his other side.

"Jake!  What are you doing in our bed?"

Josh was awake now and he rolled over.  Rose asked him, "What is Jake doing in our bed?"

Jake replied, "Up until a few minutes ago, I was sleeping."

Rose shook her head.  "I'm confused..."

Josh stroked her back and said, "We were all wiped out from last night.  So, we got you into bed and then we crashed too.  End of story."

Rose said nothing for a few minutes, then she sighed and said, "I'm taking a shower.  I have to get ready for the cops and we are leaving today, right?"

"Yeah," Jake said sitting up.  "We're off to a sold-out show in the Superdome, can you believe it?"

"I can believe it, you guys are the balls as Josh would say."

Josh smiled and rose from the bed.  "I think I'll get coffee and breakfast.  Oh, wait a minute, I probably can't go out.  I'll order from room service."

"Can't go out?" Rose asked as she gathered her clean clothes. 

"Sure, our management put security on our door for tonight, uh, last night," Josh answered.

"Yep," said Jake "we were covered like a wool blanket last night.  Hey, what are we eating?"

Rose wasn't very hungry and she ordered some toast and home fries, plus coffee.  She then went into the bath and took her shower.  When she was ready, she came out to find Jake and Josh engrossed in the news, eating steak, eggs, home fries, toast, and swigging coffee.

Rose poured her coffee, fixed it the way she liked it, and sat down at the end of the bed between Josh and Jake.  She was the lead story on the news and every reporter out there in the greater Nashville area wanted an interview with her, Jake, and Josh.

"I'm sorry guys, it seems I've put you in an awkward position."

Josh swallowed, took a drink of coffee, then said, "Wasn't your fault."

Jake answered, "Yeah, management will run interference for us, no big deal."

Jake put his empty plate back on the room service cart as he stood up.  "I've got to go get showered and packed.  This city has been a bitch hasn't it?"

Josh nodded, "You can say that again, brother."

When Jake was gone, Rose scooted closer to Josh.  The air conditioning was on, but she felt cold for another reason.  It was a chilling prospect to know someone wanted you dead and those that you knew and loved.  Loved?  Yes, Rose could admit now.  She was in love with two men.  Jake and Josh Kiszka.  Violet's warning came back to her ---- in spades.  She was going to get hurt, but she had to play this out to the end.

She gently turned Josh's head to face her and then she kissed him.  To Josh, she supposed it was a good morning kiss, but to her, it might as well have been the beginning of the end.  She wanted to cry but she steeled herself and stood up.

"I'd better get packing while I've got time.  When do we see the police?"

"They're sending an officer over.  He should be here at about nine.  We've got plenty of time.  I'm going to shower now.  Don't leave the room, promise me you won't."

Rose sighed, "I won't.  Josh...I think...I love you."

Josh stopped, turned around, blinked, then grinned.  "That's good."

"Is it?"

"Yes, because I think I love you too."

Rose smiled a weak smile as Josh started to return to her.  She held out her hand and said one word, "Shower."

Josh feigned a hurt puppy dog look but he turned around again went to shower.  How was she going to tell him she was in love with Jake too?  She still wanted to give Josh her virginity, she hadn't changed her mind about that.  She knew deep down neither one believed she was a virgin.  Eighteen years old in this day and age and a virgin?  She smiled a bit.  Wouldn't Josh be surprised?

But her smile quickly faded.  What about Jake?  What could she possibly give him that would count as much as her virginity?  She could go crazy trying to figure it out.  But she would, she would figure it out if it killed her.  Oops, that was a bad choice of words if ever there was one!  Rose sighed yet again and started to pack.  On to Louisanna and hopefully away from Steve.  But she knew he wouldn't give up.  And she was afraid of what he might do.  But most of all, she was afraid for the two men she loved most on this earth ---- Josh and Jake Kiszka.

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