Chapter Twelve

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The Nashville tour wasn't as bad as Rose had thought it would be.  She supposed being with four men was a lot easier than going alone.  At any rate, the guys seemed to have a great time and Rose returned to her hotel a happy camper.  Rose had gotten a charger for her phone and she was happy about that.  One other thing made her happy, and excited.  She was unencumbered now and she had managed to let Josh know, even though Jake seemed to be everywhere she was.

Jake did not pass up an opportunity to touch Rose, or hug Rose, or sit by her when he could.  She could feel his heat, and she wondered if that was normal, if he had a fever, or if it was the weather.  He didn't complain about being sick, so it was a good bet it wasn't a fever.  Was Jake a closet werewolf?  They ran hotter than your normal human being.  Rose smiled at the thought of Jake being a werewolf.  He would make a very good one.

What was it that made Jake Kiszka burn?  They had stopped at a bar for beer, and Josh and Sam, and Daniel went to the men's room.  Rose was left alone with Jake.  He looked at her over the rim of the beer mug.  He was looking at her with intensity.  Finally, Rose asked, "What?"

"Are you planning to see Josh tonight?"

"None of your business."

"Josh is my twin, we have no secrets, and that makes it my business."

Rose huffed and said, "You can be such a jackass at times!"

"Then you are planning to see him," Jake answered.

"Why don't you just call your girl?  Straighten it all out with her?  You two have been together for a long time now.  Marry her, even.  After all, you are twenty-four, time to start a family."

"You think Sam and Daniel should get married too?" Jake asked her, still staring at her intently.

"Jake, just leave me alone.  For the love of God, will you please just!"

Jake was going to reply, but the guys returned to the table at that point.  "Excuse me," said Jake as he got up.  "My turn," he said as he headed off.

Rose closed her eyes.  Josh asked, "Anything wrong, darlin'?"

"No, well yes, but I'll tell you about it later."

Josh let it go and by the time Jake returned, Josh had Rose in stitches.  They left the bar and Rose noticed the 'cotton candy' blues and pinks of the sunset.  She sighed and lay her head on Josh's shoulder.  He put his arm around her.  As a unit, Jake, Sam, and Daniel said, "Geez!  Get a room!"  Daniel and Sam broke up laughing, but Jake was somber and moody.

Rose didn't care, that was Jake's problem.  They went to supper a few hours later.  And then to a club, until it closed at two A.M.  Rose was tired, and Josh was a bit high, but she felt a tingle when they returned to the hotel.  They went straight to Josh's room.  He took her in his arms and kissed her, softly at first and then more demanding.

Rose pulled Josh's shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor.  He kicked off his shoes.  Rose wore a button-down blouse and Josh wasted no time in unbuttoning it.  It joined his shirt on the floor.  Rose was a bit embarrassed but Josh marveled at her.  Rose wore no bra.  He crushed to him, bare chest to bare chest.  Rose was kissing him again as she reached for his belt, unbuckled it, and started to slide his jeans down.

And the fire alarm went off.  "Damn it all to hell!" Josh shouted and Rose whispered, "Jake."  Would he really be that petty, or was there actually a fire?  Rose quickly grabbed her blouse, slipped into it, and grabbed her bag.  Josh buckled his belt but he left his shirt on the floor, grabbed his shoes, and with his free hand he led Rose out.

All guests were asked to wait at the far end of the parking lot, well away from the building.  People were in their nightclothes and in different forms of undress.  Josh stood behind Rose and put his arms around her waist.  Daniel and Sam found them but where was Jake?  Rose had a minute of panic when she thought Jake was still in the building, but then, there he was moving toward them slowly.

"Well, where were you?" asked Sam.

"I was sound asleep, it took me a minute to figure out what was going on."

"You went to sleep awfully fast," Daniel remarked.

"I was drunk, still am.  What's going on with the firemen?" asked Jake, his words somewhat slurred, and his voice sullen.

It was at this point that the band's manager came huffing up.  "We are changing hotels!  This place is a death trap!  On the bus, guys, we are leaving!" and with that, he huffed off.  Rose stifled a yawn and she felt Josh try and do the same.  

"I'll go and pack up.  The fire department is leaving.  Must have been a false alarm,"  said Rose.  Josh held her tighter.  "No way, you're coming with me," said Josh.  She turned into him.  "I really am tired now, Josh.  There's no way we can..." and Josh put his finger to her lips silencing her.

"I know, baby, I know.  I feel the same way.  I just don't want you to go."

"But I have work tomorrow..."

"Rose, we play tit for tat.  You gave us a good day off, now it's your turn.  Take tomorrow well today,  to sleep.  Besides, if you're with me, and you will be, that's what I'm doing."

She was just too tired to argue.  So, she got on the tour bus with Josh and the rest of the guys and they drove to a grand hotel in Downtown Nashville.  "Can we afford this?" Jake asked.

"You let me take care of that.  Good thing the instruments are stored here on the bus."  The tour manager proceeded to get them checked in and within the hour Rose and Josh were cuddled together, both wearing their underwear.  Rose's last coherent thought was that Josh had gotten the better of that deal, but then, both of them were topless.  Then she fell asleep and knew nothing else.

Well, well, thought Steve.  The little bitch has herself a boyfriend.  And he's one of the top dogs too.  This could be tricky, getting her alone.  But he had noticed the way the other twin had looked at Rose.  Damn, that girl just had 'em crawling outta the woodwork.  Oh, how he hoped she was still a virgin, but it didn't matter at this point.

Steve was determined to have her, one way or another.  And if her boyfriend got in the way?  Steve fingered the gun in his pocket.  Well, another senseless double killing.  Happened all the time...and the light of the maniacal gleamed in his eyes.

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