Chapter Nine

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Rose was sewing an applique on to a vest when Violet came in.  It was unusual for Rose to get to work before Violet.  Violet had her obligatory coffee and she sat down and fished a crumpled pack of cigarettes from the pocket of her jeans.  She lit up and eyed Rose.

"What?" asked Rose.

Violet took a deep drag on her cigarette.  She exhaled the smoke and then said, "Despite myself, I've come to like you.  I really don't like many people.  So, I'll give you some advice.  Don't get involved with the Kiszka's.  They live in their own world.  And you think you won't get hurt, but I can say with certainty, you will."

Rose stopped her sewing and looked at Violet.  The woman had never said two words to her that didn't involve some aspect of sewing.  And now she said something so personal, it baffled her.  Besides, she was already involved with the Kiszka's.  Violet watched her, waiting for her reaction.

"Thanks, Violet, for the warning.  We're just friends, really."

"Um-hum, that's how it usually starts.  I've seen it time and again.  Well, I warned you.  Now, we need to get to work on these stage costumes."  And that was the end of it.  The band was in Memphis now and they had one show to do in Nashville before they moved on to Louisianna.  Rose wasn't sure about Nashville, it was too close to home.  But maybe she should see her mother, find out how Steve really was.  Not that she cared, Steve was a vile asshole.  As far as Rose was concerned, he had gotten just what he deserved.

Around one, Rose stood up and stretched.  "I'm going to get food.  Anything?"  Violet shook her head.  Then she amended it to, "Coffee."  Rose might have known.  She grabbed her bag and headed to the buffet.  She was fixing her salad when a flurry of activity caught her attention.  She wished it hadn't.

It was Jake and on his arm was his girl.  Damn, but she was beautiful.  And she had the cutest figure.  A stab of jealousy went through Rose.  But she had no right to be jealous.  She stuffed down the jealous feeling and finished making her salad.  Maybe she should eat somewhere else.  She got coffee for Violet and began to go back to the sewing room when Josh caught her.

"Hey, where you headed?" 

"Back to give Violet her coffee and work while I eat."

Josh cast a glance at Jake.  "Ah, so you've seen them."

"I assume everyone has seen them.  Would you do me a favor?"

Josh was almost afraid to hear the favor, certain it had something to do with Jake.  But he said, "Sure, if I can."

"Would you carry my salad for me?  Sometimes I need three hands."

Josh grinned and took the plate.  They walked back to the sewing room and made small talk while they were walking.

Josh asked, "What do you think of Jake's girl?"

"What difference does that make?"

"Just wondered."

Rose answered truthfully, "She's beautiful and she has a dynamite figure.  I imagine her personality is good too."

"Yeah, she's a peach.  But..." Josh trailed off.

"But?" asked Rose.

"Oh, nothing.  Ah, here we are.  You sure you wanna eat around all those clothes?   What if you spill?"

Rose laughed and then she saw he was serious.  She spied a folding chair and said, "Let me deliver Violet's coffee, and I'll be right out."

She went to Violet, who had seen Josh, and gave her the coffee.  She heard Violet mutter 'playing with fire' then she went back to Josh, who had found a second folding chair and had set them side by side.

Rose sat down and Josh handed her the plate. Rose looked at the salad and, to her dismay, she found her hunger had evaporated.  She put the plate on the floor.

"What?  Not hungry now?  I came all the way down here for nothing?" Josh asked with a grin.  And for no good reason, Rose burst into tears.

Josh was completely taken aback.  "Rose?  Rose, I was only joking, honest."  Rose managed to get herself under some form of control and she answered, "It's not that.  I just...I...I don't know why I'm crying.  I guess it was time for catharsis and this was mine."  She wiped her eyes and laughed a little.  

But Josh could see she was still crying.  He gathered her in his arms and murmured against her hair, while she quietly cried on his shoulder.  At last, Rose seemed to cry herself out.  But she didn't raise her head or move from Josh's embrace.  Josh let her stay in that position until the discomfort forced him to move.

"Rose?  I've got to move, I'm getting cramped up here."  Rose raised her head and looked at Josh.  Josh looked back.  Who initiated the kiss was unclear but suddenly they were embracing as lovers do.  Rose was passionate about her kiss and Josh had to break it.

His voice was ragged as he said, "Don't if you don't really mean it.  I can't take the teasing, Rose."

"I mean it.  Time for me to give it up as they say.  I want it to be you, Josh."  And she leaned in and kissed him passionately once more.  His discomfort forgotten, he once again took her in his arms and returned her kiss.  They were so caught up in each other they didn't hear them approach.  Jake cleared his throat.  Josh took his time breaking the kiss and said, "Yeah?"

Jake had an odd look on his face. He looked at Rose and said, "Geez, get a room."

"Oh, I have a room and I plan to use it," Rose retorted snuggling up to Josh.  Jake was angry, Rose could tell.  But why should he be mad?  He had his girl, didn't he?  He certainly had no reason to be mad at Rose.  They had two different worlds as he had said.  Now he was in the real world and she was firmly entrenched in the world of rock and roll.  So, as far as she was concerned he could go to hell.

Josh was smiling at Jake which only seemed to make him angrier.  Jake took his girl and stalked off in the direction of the auditorium.  Rose didn't even watch him go.  She kissed Josh again.  "Tonight?  My room, after the show?"

Josh nodded and grinned. "Tonight, after the show."


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