Chapter Ten

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Rose was in a better frame of mind.  She had decided to give her virginity to Josh Kiszka.  She supposed this made her a groupie after all ---- or maybe just a slut.  She didn't care, she was going to be with Josh tonight and she was sure it would be as wonderful as it could be.  Josh would take his time and not hurt or rush her.  At least she hoped he would.

She was so busy thinking about her date that she neglected the pains she was having.  However, on the way back to the hotel the pains turned into cramps and there could be no doubt what was happening.  Rose rushed up to her room (at this point there was no roommate) and made a "beeline for the bathroom.  When she had confirmed the obvious she wanted to scream!  What would Josh think?  Would he believe her?  Worse, would he want to make love anyway?  That was definitely NOT going to happen.

Rose took a shower, did what was necessary, and put on comfy sleeping clothes.  When she was laying down, she called the stage manager and asked to speak to Josh.

"Can't Rosie, the guys are doing sound checks and then it's almost magic hour."

"Then could you give him a message?  It's really important."

She heard Lou, the stage manager, sigh.  "Hold on, let me get something to write on."  She heard rummaging around and then Lou came back on.  "Okay shoot."

"Tell him that we have to cancel our plans for tonight.  Tell him I'm really sorry but it can't be helped.  I'm sick."

"Got ya.  I'll get it to him, Rosie, don't worry."

"Thank you, Lou."

And Rose hung up the phone.  She watched some mindless television, and with the volume on low, she tried to read.  Before she knew it, there was a knock at the door.  She had fallen asleep.  She didn't question a knock on her door at midnight, sometimes it happened.  She didn't even ask who it was, she simply left the chain on the door and opened it as far as the chain would permit.

Josh stood there with white roses and a take-out bag.  Rose shut the door, removed the chain, and opened the door wide.  Josh grinned, Rose nodded and she let him in.  He was freshly showered, and he smelled wonderful.  Aramis, she thought.  Rose closed her eyes.  Apparently Lou had not delivered the message.

She opened her eyes and watched Josh, who had still not spoken as he took a cup-shaped carton out of the bag.  He placed a plastic spoon on top of the container and laid out a napkin.  He then picked up the roses from where he had laid them on her pillow.  He stepped close and handed them to Rose.

"Thank you, but what's all this for?  Didn't you get my message?"

"I got it."

"Um, Josh, I...I'm indisposed for about four days.  I'm so sorry..."

Josh put a finger to her lips.  "I thought it might be that.  I came over here to hang out, not hook up.  And, I brought you chicken soup from the deli next door.  The roses are for you because you're a rose too, although you outshine them all."

I couldn't say a word.  This sweet man had thought about me and had actually brought me things to make me feel better.  And he knew there would be no sex.  My eyes misted over.  Josh must have noticed and he took the roses from me and then took me in his arms.

"Rose, darlin', don't cry."

I put my head on his shoulder and said softly, "I've never had anyone do something for me that they didn't have too.  Josh, this means so much to me, I don't know what to say."

"I do.  Your soup is getting cold."  He squeezed me gently and let me go.  I sniffled a bit and then I excused myself to go to the bathroom.  When I came back out, Josh was stretched out on the bed, his back against one of the pillows which he had propped against the headboard.  He was flipping the television channels to find something to his liking.

When he saw me he patted the space beside him.  I stretched out, similar to Josh, and he handed me my soup.  I noticed he had taken the lid off for me.  It smelled heavenly.  I took the spoon he offered and stirred it a bit, then I tasted it.  It was the best stuff I had ever put in my mouth!

I realized just how hungry I was and practically inhaled the soup.  Josh had settled on some vague comedy and when I finished eating, I put the carton on my bedside table.  We watched in silence for a while.  Josh linked his fingers through mine.  I rested my head on his shoulder.  It occurred to me, this wasn't the first time I had slept with Josh.

"You don't have any meetings to attend tomorrow, do you?"

Josh smiled remembering the last time we had been like this.  "No, but I'm not drunk and stoned this time either.  How do you feel now?"

"Better since I ate."  Something was going on in my head and I didn't know how to voice it to Josh.  But he seemed to know because he said, "What?"

"Well, it doesn't seem fair that you came all the way over here and you get nothing."

Josh brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.  "I have the pleasure of your company."

"Thank you, but I mean, well, don't you want me to do anything?"

Josh looked puzzled and then understanding dawned. "Rose!  You thought I came over here to get a blow job?"

I know I was tomato red but I nodded.  Josh sat up straight and sighed.  He still held my hand.  "Rose, if that was what I wanted, I could have stayed at the venue or picked from the girls at the hotel.  I was concerned and I just wanted to see you.  There's no other reason.  Besides, we have plenty of time."

"That's good to know." 

"I think so." 

"Still, you missed the after-party.  I'm sure your presence was required especially for the meet and greet."

"We didn't have an after-party tonight.  Which was good because I wasn't there and Jake was angry at the world."

"Jake?  What does he have to be mad about?  He's not going to be much fun to hang out with."

Josh was no fool.  He knew exactly who Rose referred too.  "She left.  They had an awful screaming fight and she left.  She said she was going home.  She said Jake couldn't treat her this way and he'd have to choose.  Then she left.  And the jackass didn't even try to stop her."

"Does Jake have another girl?"

Josh turned his head slowly and stared into her eyes.  "He wants to think he does."

"Me?  How can he just assume that?" Rose asked but in her mind, she was thinking about that kiss.  And yet, it was Josh who had come to her even though he knew nothing was going to happen.  Rose sighed and said, "Then I suppose he blames me.  Well, I didn't do anything, so if he blames me he can go straight to hell!"

"He knew we had a date tonight, our behavior outside the sewing room confirmed that."

"So what?  Jake's a big boy."  Rose snuggled up to Josh again.  He relaxed and put his arms around her.  

"Josh?" Rose asked.  "Hum?" he replied.

"Do you think it's possible, that is, do you think, you could ever not sing for a living?"

"Right now, at this moment in time, no I don't.  I've always been drawn to the performing arts.  It's part of me.  It's just like breathing to me."

"Oh, well, I just asked out of curiosity."

Josh knew better.  He felt Rose was falling for him and what was worse, he was falling for her.  But there was Jake.  Where did Jake fit into this picture?  Josh yawned.  He was tired.  And being snuggled up with Rose felt so good he didn't want to move.


"Yes, Josh?"

"Can I stay the night?"

"I had always intended that you should.  There's a pair of sweats in the bath.  They're too big for me, but maybe they'll fit you."

Josh kissed the top of Rose's head then got up and went into the bath.  When he came out he was dressed in the sweats and nothing else.  He turned out his bedside table lamp and got into bed.  Rose had turned out her light already and Josh pulled her into a spooning position.  He kissed her shoulders and murmured, "Goodnight beautiful Rose."

She moved as close to him as she could get, and though she was certain things were going to take a turn for the worse, Rose said, "Goodnight Josh."

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