Chapter Fourteen

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Rose was beginning to regret her decision to meet Jake.  What did they have to talk about?  There was nothing between them.  'Except lust' said the little devil in her ear.  Yes, there was that.  But, surely she wasn't going to act on it, was she?  She had Josh.  Josh.  Why had he said she should meet Jake?  He had to know she lusted after him, didn't he?  Things were different in the rock world.  Did the Kiszka twins share everything?  Did she have no say? A person could go crazy trying to figure it out!

When the show was over, Rose made her way to the small cafe.  She was there before Jake and she ordered herbal tea.  She needed something to calm her nerves.  Her thoughts kept going around and around in her head.  She had money now, not as much as she wanted, but it was enough.  She knew she should just leave, but deep in her heart, she knew she couldn't.

Josh had become very important to her.  He was her friend, her confidant, she turned to him for comfort and she offered comfort in turn.  She wanted to give him that special part of herself that she could only give once.  She wanted to, damn it!  But, always in the background, there was... He slid into the booth on the opposite side ---- Jake.  Rose spilled a bit of her tea.

"Jake!  You startled me!"

He grinned a bit and said, "Sorry."  A waitress came over and Jake ordered coffee.  When she had gone to get his order he asked, "So, how was the show?"

"Stellar, as usual.  What do you want to talk about, Jake?"

The waitress returned with Jake's coffee.  She enquired if Rose would like a refill and Rose said she would.  They were silent until Rose had received her tea, and then Jake asked, "Are you happy?"

"What sort of question is that?  Why shouldn't I be happy?"

"I don't know," Jake said as he sipped his coffee, "Sometimes I catch you in a pensive moment and you don't look happy to me."

"And I'd be happy if I slept with you, is that it?"

Jake sighed.  "Rose, I have no trouble finding a bed-mate.  I'm looking for my soulmate."

"And you think that's me?  Well, that's flattering, completely wrong of course, but flattering."

"Do you love Josh?"

"I can't call what I feel for Josh love yet, but I feel very strongly for him, about him.  I could never hurt him, Jake.  He may hurt me, I don't know, but I've made up my mind.  I want him to be my first."

"Would you hurt me?"

"Not intentionally, never.  But if this thing between Josh and me hurts you, I don't mean for it too, it's just the way it is."

Jake was silent as he sipped on his coffee.  Then he asked her, "Do you know where Josh is now?"

"No, but if you're going to tell me he's with someone else, then that's okay.  I know how it is in a rock and roll outfit.  I suppose you've had your groupies too."

"I was going to tell you he's waiting for you outside."

"He is?  Jake, that's just weird.  What, why?"

"He wants to see if you'll leave with me."

"Why would I?  Even if I were going to sleep with you, it wouldn't be tonight."

"Why not?  It's still early for us.  We didn't even do a meet and greet." 

Rose sighed but before she had the chance to speak a stranger slid into the booth beside her.  She started to say 'what the hell', but then she really looked at him.

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