Chapter Six

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Rose Matthews was one tired customer ---- literally.  She had been up since six and had been in every store and thrift store there was in Jackson, Mississippi.  Jake wanted something new but retro to wear and he had asked Violet to find it for him and since she was busy with Josh's jumpsuit, Violet had asked Rose.  Well, told Rose was more like it.  Violet Kaminski was not the easiest person to get along with.  She was in her mid-fifties and had a face like she'd been sucking on a lemon.  Rose had never seen her smile and doubted she ever would.  But Violet could sew, she'd give her that.

Rose heaved a sigh and once again transferred her bags from one arm to the next.  She hoped Jake (and Violet) liked what she had found.  They did wear the same stage clothes and she could see why Jake wanted something new.  Usually, the guys shopped for themselves but they had opted for extra practice because they were going to try some new material tonight.

Rose checked her watch.  It was just past five.  Time for her to get going and get to the venue to drop off the new purchases.  If Jake didn't like any of them, he'd have his old ones to choose from.  She grabbed a cab and gave the cabbie the address.  Twenty minutes later, she arrived in the middle of a soundcheck.

She stood and listened for a moment.  The guys sounded great, as usual.  She watched Josh and no matter that they had no audience, he was acting as if they did.  So was Jake.  The whole band was practically incandescent the way they seemed to glow.  Yes, if nothing major happened in the coming years, Greta Van Fleet could be the biggest live act in the world.  Rose smiled and then she hurried backstage and to the sewing room, where Violet greeted her with, "About time!  I ain't got all day to get this done!"

Rose said, "Sorry," in a voice that said she plainly wasn't.  Violet huffed and delved into the bags.  She rejected some right off but she did find three long tunics that had merit.  Rose asked, "Is there anything else you want me to do now?"

"Just stay outta my way.  Oh, you can go tell Jake I'll need him.  Got to fit this jacket to his body."

Rose nodded and went out to the side stage closest to Jake.  She watched them, transfixed until Josh called, "Okay guys, I think we're good."  He saw Rose first and lighted her world with his dazzling smile.  

"Hey, Rose, how long have you been there?  Did you hear us?  Did we sound okay?"

"I heard some of it and what I heard was wonderful.  The show should be stellar.  Is Jake free now?"

Josh's smile faded.  "You wanna see Jake?"

"Violet wants to see Jake.  She has some fitting to do."  Rose looked at Josh and smiled a half-smile.  "Why, Joshua, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were jealous."

"Of Jake?  No.  I just...just..."

"Wanted to get me an ice cream?" Rose said, her smile becoming a full one.

Josh snapped his fingers.  "Yeah, that's it.  C'mon, Rose, your ice cream is this way."

Josh led Rose to where the buffet was set up.  She took a seat, massaging her sore calves and Josh brought her a plain vanilla ice cream cone.

"You're not having any?" Rose said as she took a lick.

"Gotta watch my girlish figure," answered Josh with a grin.

Rose grinned back and continued to lick her cone.  Josh's grin disappeared and he watched Rose intently.  Rose had never thought of eating ice cream as sexy, but she did now.  She slowed down and licked the cone long and slow, bring the ice cream slowly into her mouth and returning to take another swirling lick.  She saw Josh's throat work, and she heard him moan softly.

She stopped eating the ice cream and asked, her voice low and throaty, "Would you like a taste?"

Josh leaned across the table and lightly kissed her, letting his tongue glide over her lips, tasting the ice cream and her.  When he pulled back, she was watching him intently.  They both stared at each other, the heat between them palpable.

Rose spoke first.  "I think my ice cream has melted."

Josh answered, "Yeah, it is kinda hot in here."

Rose was about to answer him when the groupies came in.  They were in full force and led, of course, by Angel.  She sat down very close to Josh and purred, "Hello, Joshikins.  I've missed you."

Josh did not take his eyes off Rose.

"What's this?  Ice cream?"  She reached out and took Rose's ice cream cone and gave it a big lick.

"Ah, plain vanilla.  Well, what would I expect from you?"

Josh finally looked at Angel and said, "Put a sock in it, Angel."

"I'd rather put something else in it," she said, her hand straying to his upper thigh.  Rose abruptly stood and murmured, "Excuse me."  Before Josh could answer she had walked away quickly.

Rose was at a loss.  She had openly been flirting with Josh, she had shared her first kiss with him.  She could still feel the sensation of his tongue softly stroking her lips.  Rose stopped and leaned against the wall.  She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the venue waking up.  That was normal, that was good.  What had happened between her and Josh...

"Penny for your thoughts," said a male voice.  She opened her eyes and found Jake standing there.

"They aren't worth a penny, they're priceless," she answered.

"Oh?" asked Jake leaning against the wall to her right.  And he was very close.

"Well, maybe only priceless to me.  Have you seen Violet?"

"Just came from there.  I was gonna grab a bite, you interested?"

Rose could not go back to the buffet. "Ah, I'm afraid I'll have to take a raincheck.  I really should get back to Violet and see if she needs me."

It was not her imagination.  Jake did look disappointed.  He nodded slowly.  "I just came from there.  You have great taste by the way."

Jake reached out and his hand rested lightly on her arm.   Where he touched her, she felt a zing! of electricity.  And her heart seemed to beat faster.  She pulled away, reluctantly, and said, "You go have your dinner and I'll get back to Violet."

"Um, are you gonna make the after-party tonight?" Jake asked her.

"I don't know, Jake, I'm so tired and..."

"I wish you would," he said softly.

"I'll think about it, and that's all I can promise."

Jake leaned in and kissed her cheek.  His lips were soft and where he kissed her burned like fire.  But it was a very pleasant kind of burning.

Rose said, "I really have to go, Jake."  She began to walk off and Jake called after her, "I hope you come to the party, Rose.  I really do."

Rose raised her hand but she didn't turn around.  If she saw him, there was no telling what she might do.  And Josh came unbidden to her mind.  They were brothers for God's sake!  She had openly flirted with Josh and at the time, she had meant it.  But Jake was more subtle, he took his time, and she had no idea what to do.

She had the hots for both of them.  And apparently, they were hot for her too.  But that was a recipe for disaster.  She would just have to keep things on a friendly level.  Yes, that was the solution, keep things friendly.  But the memory of Josh's kiss and where her cheek burned from Jake's kiss were fresh in her mind.  She should just pack up her things and leave.  That was the best thing.  But she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Rose sighed heavily.  She could refrain from flirting with the Kiszka brothers, she could!  And she would.  Rose walked with renewed purpose into the sewing area.  She prepared herself, it was going to be a long night.

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