Chapter Five

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Rose surfaced slowly.  She wasn't sure at first where she was.  Then she remembered that she had been smoking and drinking with...Josh!  Then the body next to her registered.   And the fact that he had his arm thrown over her middle and was spooned into her back.  Had she?  But he was still fully clothed and so was she.  So, unless they had disrobed, done the deed, and got dressed again, it didn't seem likely.

She glanced at the bedside clock.  It was ten A.M. and eleven was check-out time.  Great, another hurried morning.  She had slept well though.  She didn't know if it was the smoke or the drink. Or the fact that Josh was beside her and holding her without making demands.  Josh.  Time to get up.

"Josh?  Josh are you awake?"

"I am now.  Oh God did we...?" 

"No, we didn't.  We just slept together and I mean slept."

"What time do you have to be outta here?" 

"Check-out is at eleven o'clock.  It's now five after ten.  You can shower first."

"Aww, Rose, that means I have to move."

"Your arm is still around my middle and I can tell you're somewhat excited.  Please get up and shower."

Reluctantly, Josh disengaged himself from Rose.  She was right, he had a semi-hardon.  Josh rolled his eyes, and he got up and headed for the bathroom.  He'd have to put on the same clothes, but he could change at his hotel.

Rose heard the water come on and then Josh warming up his vocal cords.  She smiled as she grabbed her wallet and hurried to the lobby.  She bought two cups of coffee and two bagels with cream cheese.  She hoped that was all right with Josh.

She was just coming back in as he was coming out of the bathroom.  His curls held water and he had a five o'clock shadow.  And his clothes were rumpled.  But he was clean and Rose handed him a cup of coffee as she went into the bath.  It took her ten minutes to shower and then ---- she had forgotten to get fresh clothes! 

She took one of the bath sheets and wrapped it around her naked body.  "I'm coming out, Josh, and I trust you not to try anything foolish."

"What do you mean..." but when he saw her he stopped talking and stared.  Rose went to her suitcase and found a tee-shirt and jeans, plus a bra and some panties.  She was aware of Josh watching her this entire time and she hurried back to the bathroom.

When she was dressed and had her boots on, she looked at Josh and then at the clock.  They had fifteen minutes to spare.  "Come on, we'd better go," Rose said.

Josh had finished his coffee and Rose tasted hers.  It was lukewarm, but she drank it down anyway and grabbed the bagels on the way out.  They hailed a cab and Josh gave them the address to the hotel the band was staying at.  It wasn't one of the swankier ones which surprised Rose.

"Trying to save some money?" Rose asked him with raised brows.

Josh gave her his trademark grin.  "No, but the fans, well, not as many, don't look for us here.  I mean at the smaller hotels.  And it does save some money."

"A cheap rock star, go figure," smiled Rose.

Josh went straight to his room with Rose.  He got some fresh clothes and went into the spacious bathroom to dress.  He also shaved and took care of his hair.  When he came out Rose could only stare.  It was some transformation.  Josh was wearing a plain white tee-shirt and faded jeans with a wide plain leather belt.  He had tied his hair back in his infamous rat-tail and he slipped on his sandals.

"I've got to find the guys and let them know I'm alive.  And I have to see Violet and tell her about you.  Our tour manager will probably chew my ass on the carpet.  That will take some time.  I should be back in three hours, give or take."

"You're not checking out today?  Isn't it past time for that?"

"We won't take off till five or so.  Management cuts a deal or something.  Watch TV, take a nap, read a book, I'll be back!"  And with that, he was out the door.

Rose tried watching TV, nothing caught her attention.  She probably could have used a nap, but she knew if she slept now, she wouldn't sleep later.  Although with the guys' schedule, she might have to change hers.  So, Rose settled for a book.  True to his word, Josh returned at three and he was not a happy camper.

It was technically none of Rose's business, so she didn't ask.  She figured Josh would either tell her or he wouldn't.  Josh made small talk and was extremely restless.  Rose couldn't take it any longer and she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Our manager doesn't want you to come with us."

Rose stared.  This was not good news.

"Did he say why?"

"I stayed out all night with you.  He thinks you'll be a bad influence.  I missed a meeting this morning and he's all bent out of shape about it."

"Well, great Josh!  Now, what do I do?  Although, I guess I'm no worse off than I was." Rose stood up and made to grab her suitcase, but Josh stopped her.

"You will be with us, I promise.  Just give him a few hours to calm down, then we'll see about getting you on the crew."

"And if he still says no?"

"He won't.  You've got me and Jake on your side.  Sammy's okay with it, and Danny doesn't care as long as he has his girl.  Basically, you've got us in your corner.  Don't worry."

Rose slowly sat back down.  And she and Josh waited until six o'clock when the rest of the guys tumbled into Josh's room.  They all looked at Rose and then at Josh.  Josh said, "She knows.  Is he in a better frame of mind?"

"Well, kinda.  You should have made the meeting man.  I mean, in the long run, it doesn't matter, but he's harping on the principle," Jake said.  Then he smiled at Rose and said, "Don't worry, things will be cool.  Pete's a prick sometimes, but he comes around."

And so it was that Rose Matthews boarded the tour bus with Greta Van Fleet as an assistant seamstress.  It was also rumored about the crew and roadies and stagehands that Josh Kiszka had a new woman.  Before they had linked him with Angel and now they linked him with Rose.

Rose was sure she would run into Angel again and she had no idea how she was going to deal with the Josh thing.  She liked Josh, sure, but she barely knew him and there was something else that bothered her.

When Josh smiled just for her, her world was brighter.  But when Jake smiled at her, Rose felt her heart flip.  Ridiculous!  Jake had a girlfriend, a steady, serious one.  And she was pretty and slim and intelligent.  But, Rose thought, Jake, didn't smile that way for just anyone.  'Oh, balls' Rose thought.  Here she was, where a thousand other girls would long to be, and already she had a dilemma.  She would wait, bide her time, do her job.  When, and if, she earned ten thousand dollars she would return to New York and try it again.

But for now, Rose resolved to have a good time, but of one thing she was sure.  Groupies traveled in a different world and Rose could never be a part of it.  Rose Matthews knew then that she would never be a groupie.

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