Chapter Seven

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Jake waited by the door, noodling around on his guitar.  The party went on around him and he checked his cell for the time.  There were several messages from his girl and he would have to call her, but it was late for the real world and he would do it tomorrow.  

Jake wasn't paying attention and someone appeared beside him.  Jake looked up, hoping it was Rose, but he found Angel there instead.

"Hello, Jakey.  Who are you waiting for?  Your girl?"

"Who says I'm waiting on somebody?  I'm just sitting here playing my guitar.  What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, but you're missing the party.  Care for a smoke?"

Angel offered Jake a cigarette and he took it.  She lit it for him and he inhaled deeply.  As he let the smoke trickle out his nostrils, he looked at Angel for a long minute.  "You like what you see?" she asked and she licked her lips.

"Well, yeah, but as you noted, I have a girl.  And aren't you Josh's girl?"

"You know me, Jakey, I don't mind spreading the love around."

"Yeah, well, sloppy seconds ain't my style." 

Angel just laughed.  "Your loss, Jake.  Sooner or later it'll happen."

"Thanks for the smoke, Angel."  Jake rose and went in search of Josh.  He was going to tell Josh to tell Angel to back off, then he spied him.  Josh was on the phone.  Jake was approaching him from the back and Josh didn't see him.

"But you have to come, please," Josh was cajoling someone, most probably a girl.  Jake rolled his eyes until he heard, "But Rose," and the room seemed to go silent for a few moments.  Josh hung up his cell and turned around.  

"Jake, you need something?"

"Yeah," Jake replied, angry and he had no idea why. "Will you keep Angel under control?  Either that or she's got to go, Josh."

"Keep her under control?  I'm not her keeper, Jake.  She's just doing what groupies do.  You tell her to go if that's what you want."

Jake was silent a few minutes and then he asked, "Who were you talking too?"

"If you just have to know, I called Rose to see if she would come to the party."


Josh looked at Jake, a questioning look coming over his face.

"Why do you wanna know?  I mean, you've got a girl..."

Jake was exasperated.  "Why does everyone keep reminding me of that fact?"

"Uh," Josh retorted, "Because you're acting jealous of Rose.  What's it to you if I call her?"

"Jealous?  Of Rose?  No, I am not.  You wanna call her, call her.  But she did tell me she wouldn't be here.  She said she was tired.  So, harassing her isn't going to help."

Josh opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and instead said, "I sure would like a Salty Dog.  How about you, Jake?"

"I'll take a beer."

The two brothers moved off together to the makeshift bar.  Josh gave Jake his beer and made up his Salty Dog.  Then they stood there, drinking their drinks, each lost in his own private thoughts.

Josh had called her.  She still couldn't believe it.  Rose sighed.  Should she just go to the damn party?  No, she had her mind made up.  She was going to be friendly but avoid being alone with either of the twins.  Rose yawned.  She wanted her bed.  But Lydia, the girl with whom she shared a room, had 'company'.  Rose had asked her if it was an entire night thing and she had said no, but it had been almost four hours now.  She was supposed to get a call when Lydia was finished and her company had left.  But, so far, the phone had not rung except for Josh.

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