Chapter two

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Here is chapter two

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Here is chapter two

Chapter two : the call

While Taeyong being the man he is was watching his girl and Jisung playing games until that very moment it ruined his mood. No matter how much he loved to protect what he loves most, no matter how many tears he shed, he got the last call which was not good and it was Felix the Australian boy that can speak Korean so fluently that indeed he had something to do with Y/n and he did not want to even start with it in the middle until he got up from his big wheeling chair. While he got up he spoke to the two littles Jisung and Y/N " hey Jisung and Baby girl I am going to be outside for a bit because I have to take a call behave okay? Jungwoo will watch you guys alright " . They both looked at each other until Y/N spoke up " but daddy why are you leaving why can't you take the call in here I want to be with you ." She was being a bit stubborn and that stubbornness was not what he wanted so then he walked up to her and kneeling down to her short height and picked up her chin and she looked at him directly and he said " I want to so bad but this is urgent and if you do not behave you will get an punishment understand princess do I make myself clear ??" That tone he used was so serious that she gulped " y-yes daddy I will be a good girl and I am sorry I will not do it again . " he looked at her and then kissed her forehead and said " alright , your forgiven but if that happens again I will not tolerate this behavior understand because daddy does not like it when he is getting talked back remember I have rules and if you break them then you will get an spank and if you behave you will receive none okay ?" She then nodded her head and then taeyong patted her head " be a good girl for me okay ??" She then said " yes I will " he smiled softly and then went out while he went out of the room he called Jungwoo " Jungwoo " Jungwoo heard his name being called and he said " yes sir what is it you want me to do ??" He bowed down in a nineteen- degree bow, taeyong spoke up " watch the littlest for me please and make sure they are safe. Cause I have a call from someone I do not want them to hear and you know Felix is back and is calling to me something so yea it is going to be an hour or something okay please watch them cause I have to take this call right now . Then Jungwoo spoke up " yes sir " he walked away and went into his office and watched the kids while he went to take the urgent call that he did not have time for. While he picked up the phone Felix spoke up " Yo , Yo what up my bro " taeyong then said " what is it?? "

Felix " you know what I want and is to meet you in person you know and talk about you know her "

Taeyong " why are going to try to take my girl away and what has this call have to do with my well being . First off do not ever put on this she is too innocent . Second wtf you want so bad is it the money ?? Or what is it "

Felix : " HAHA calm down bad boy I see your protective of her . Why you choose a girl like her she is too pretty and innocent for you and your an mafia leader ??"

Taeyong " cause she is the one for me, my true love and if you ever try to put your hands in her I have no doubt that my men will kill your men so try me b*tch I dare you "

Felix " wow, wow such an caring men I bet ya I can do other stuff and I bet you she looks good under neath me "

Taeyong " WTF how dare YOU , You know what let's talk in person and how dare yo I say things about my girl like that you have no idea what I am capable of doing hoe you want to fight I will give you fight no matter what happens but you are not putting your hands on her got it b*tch ??"

Felix " okay then , blah , blah , blah chill dude anyway * smirks * oh we will see then bye hoe "

He then hung up. Taeyong was so pissed and then hit the wall with his fist, no one is taking what belongs to him and no one is touching his princess. No matter what things he had to do to protect her he will do that cause he loves her very much and he shows it to her and she knows . Until she saw her daddy getting angry so she went up to him and hold his hand to calm it down . He then realized it was her and he looked down and looked at her lovingly his eyes soften. He picked her up and she hugged him and he then said " Baby what are you doing I taught you were still playing with Jisung ??" She then nodded at the words until she spoke up softly " I heard you talking by accident daddy I am sorry but I wanted to see you cause I just wanted to check up on you cause you seem very mad and I taught why not comfort you " she spoke up with every word she meant it with her heart. Those words hit his own heart and it fluttered and gave him butterflies she then chuckled " okay then I love you " she then spoke up " I love you and I will always in here " she pointed to his chest he then said " me too baby , me too thank you for comforting me " she then laughed a little " your welcome daddy "

While they were hugging each other Renjun and YangYang was fanboying and saying " when is there wedding ??" They both said until Johnny and Mark went up saying " you boys come on let's go eat now will talk about this later " they both got gloomy " yes mom " then they both laughed and went to help set up with Johnny and mark to eat for lunch . While they went to eat Taeil came out from a running thing with Jaehyun , they both sweat so much and got an glass of water and gulped it fast until Chenle and Haechan came behind them and smacked there heads " Ya , YA calm down with the drinking and remember we have food and do not choke got it ??" They both gulped and said " okay " in unison and they both went and sat down and while the rest of Wayv came especially y/n's favorite hendary she was so happy to the pint where Taeyong put Y/n down and she ran. The rest so the scene and laughed while smiling she then heard " Y/n my favorite friend how ya doing sis ?" She ten laughed and it was so adorable and she then hugged him and said " I am doing alright and he'd what me and Jisung played board games " he then smiled " really ??, that's fun next time I should play with you guys too and even babysit while taeyong is out " she squealed and did " daddy , daddy can he babysit me and Jisung ?? " taeyong then said " well if that makes you happy , okay then but be a good girl alright ??" She then squealed " yay your the best love you daddy " " love you too baby now let's eat "

They all said " okay " rest said . Meanwhile

Unknown POV ?????
He chuckled watching the group and especially Y/n

" oh you will be mine soon , cannot wait to see you crying in front of me and taeyong I will get her "

He laughs so loud
End of POV

What will happen next guys

Guys this is crazy what do you think and do you think tat was Felix the one who called taeyong or could it be someone else .

Please let me know and comment down below

First of all all stray kids and etc do not act like this in real life it is just fictional

And yea

And yea

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