Battle of Serenity

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I don't own these T.V. shows, but I love them both and thought of an interesting way to tie them together. Hope you like them. I've written them all down and have about 14 chapters already. So I think about one a day should get it started quickly. Also, if you get the chance, read my other book Not Alone. It's another Doctor Who Fanfic. I'll have photos up of the Firefly cast and Doctor Who cast so you know what they look like. Have fun reading this.
The loud gun blasts and explosions that could deafen those who were so unlucky to be close rang into the ears of the ground fighters. Screams of pain from men left to bleed out could be heard for miles and were amplified by the quantity of those men. Fear seemed like a disease. Even the moss covered rocks high as a standing man couldn't shield the heat exasperating off of each bomb. And they seemed to come like waves off an ocean shore.

There were men lying on the ground, dead as dead can be. gathering dust and blood from others that struggled on. There were some hiding as best they could trying not to be seen, however, most failed at this. Then there were those who ran around in panic and fear, running around shooting everyone and everything with their machine guns. Dead or alive.

An aircraft specifically made to bomb swooped down over the valley and claimed life after life. With another good detonation ringing in the ears of those who survived. The men aboard the bomber had machine guns and bullets for days. Any 'browncoat' in their way wouldn't stand a chance.

Man ran up a dust slippery hill bobbing and weaving every chance he could in order to not get shot. One turn, two turns, and then three turns and he was in what they called the home base. He the proceeded to throw his body weight onto a small metal box, rusted from over usage and dirty bloody from those who have operated it.

"Sargent, command says air support is holding so they can assess our status." One of the younger soldiers said. His face showed how much he feared the situation but his body stayed firm. He was preparing to die.

Mal rolled his eyes. "Our status is we need some Goram air support, now get back on-line and tell them to get in here." He was more so angry with the fact that his troops weren't getting the support they needed, but apologizing wasn't going to be in the time schedule. Without missing a beat Zoe chimed in.

"That skiff is shredding us sir."

"They won't move without a lutenits' authorization code sir." The young soldier called back after contacting air support once more. Mal was aggravated. He stumbled over to a dead body that payed further up toward the opening of the home base and ripped off a patch. He handed it back to the soldier.

"Here's your code, you're lutenite Baker. Congratulations on your promotion NOW GET ME SOME AIR SUPPORT!" He turned to those who had just come back from their version of hell and others who felt ready to go back into the chaos. "Go back just far enough to wedge them in here. Get your squad to high ground." He turned his head to Zoe. "Start pickin' them off."

"High ground is death with that skiff in the air." Zoe informed Mal, as if he didn't know already.

"That's our problem, thanks for volunteering." Mal turned to the young soldier recently promoted. "Bandis, give us some cover fire, we're going duck huntin'." He was only a boy. Too young to be fighting in this war but volunteers were far and few between.

All of a sudden there was a very thunderous, very near explosion going off causing everyone to automatically shield their bodies for protection. The sound wavered for a few seconds but then dissipated into the consistent roaring of gun shots they were so used to.

"If you just focus." Mal said going back to his speech as if death just didn't rain on many innocents. "The Alliance said they were going to waltz through Serenity Valley, and we choked them with those words. We've done the impossible that makes us mighty. Just a little while longer our angles are going to be soaring over there raining fire on those arrogant cod, so you hold!" He turned to everyone. "YOU HOLD! GO!" And everyone scattered doing what they were told to do. Mal went back to his gun. Checking to make sure I still worked, the sights were still fine, and refilling his magazines.

"You really think we can bring it down sir?" Zoe asked, her eyebrows arched because she knew it would take some kind of miracle to help them.

"You ever need to ask?" Mal replied, he then kissed his cross that laid it across his neck, tucking it away into his shirt. "Ready?"

"Always." And they both picked up their guns and proceeded to their duties. Zoe stopped and called out to the boy. "Bandis. BANDIS!" But he just sat there with his gun gripped in his hands and a look on his face that was just plain fear. Zoe then stood, covering Mal with as much force she could do with her gun.

Mal had moved forward shooting at the Alliance, ducking behind the large rocks for cover. Zoe then followed his footsteps. They were moving and gaining ground to capture an enemy armament. This one was guarded by only one man but they weren't sure who else could pop up. They exchanged glances before they began shooting again. Mal saw an enemy hiding, waiting for a pause in shooting to come out and attack. With three bullets Amal had him dead and soon to be one with the Earth. They now possessed the larger machine gun.

They could now use this to shoot the skiffs right out of the sky. Locking on target, Mal fired into the air with the hopes that the skiff would come crashing down. Luck was on his side when he hit the skiff clear out of the sky. Cries of joy and pride sounded out until it hit them. It took a while for them to realize that it was headed right for them. Mal ran towards Zoe, dragging her out of the way.

The skiff crashed sending wonderfully deadly colors towards them. And with another explosion the skiff was no longer a threat. Parts started raining down from the sky as Zoe and Mal watched the flames in satisfaction. Mal was laughing while Zoe sighed in relief.

Now back at the base Zoe walked by the boy still sitting with his gun mocking "Nice cover."

"Heh, did you see that?" Mal said with such excitement, trotting behind Zoe. "What's our status on..." He trailed off when he saw the new lutenit lying on the dirt, dead. His head covered in blood. Mal stared at his feet and called Zoe over.

"Hey." Mal said to the petrified kid. "Listen to me." He took him in his arms. "Bandis, look at me." Once the kid did he continued. "Listen, we're holding this valley no matter what."

"We're gonna die." Bandis said looking away.

"We're not gonna die. We can't die Bandis. And you know why? 'Cause we are so, very, pretty" Mal said taking in gulps of air. "We are just too pretty for God to let us die. Huh?" Mal took the kids face in his hands. "Look at that chiseled jaw. Come on." There was a loud rambling above them, indicating more skiffs. "Don't listen to me, listen to that. Those are our angles. Gonna blow the Alliance to the hot place. Zoe tell me any second-"

"They're not coming." She sad with the communication device up to her ear. Mal looked at her, all hope draining from his face. "Command says it's too hot. They're pulling out. We're to lay down arms." There was an eerie silence now. Well, not really silence because of the shooting and bombs and that new noise they once thought was their rescue. Mal gave Bandis a grave look.

"But what's?" Mal heard the skiffs again. He turned to see out of the small hole in the barricade. Bandis was shot leaving him down, but Mal couldn't react. The Alliance was leveling the Valley, with their own men still there. They were killing their own men.

So yes, the first chapter is from the series. But there has to be some sort of way to give background to the viewers that have never heard of this. Again I don't own the T.V. series, just the parts where I combine them and after the Firefly series ends. After it ends it's all mine. :)

Edited 6-13-15

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