Chapter 3

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Rose pov

I ran away. I didn't know where I was running to just that I was running and while I was running away from Dimitri I felt like I was running from something else. But what? As soon as I finished the thought the answer came to me. I was running from my problems. But most importantly I was running away from my heart. Dimitri Belikov my one and only true love. It wasn't long before I heard him running after me calling my name the whole time.

"Roza, Roza please!" he called after me. I almost turned around and ran into his arms. Stopping for no one and nothing just running to him to have him embrace me and kiss me and tell me he was sorry and that he loved me. I wanted to feel his warm arms holding us together and for him to whisper sweet Russian nothings in my ear. I almost turned around and run into his arms and jump into his arms. Almost. Instead I picked up my pace and ran faster until his pleas were just a faint whisper in the breeze. I knew why we couldn't be together and it wasn't because he was my mentor or even because he was 7 years older than me those are things that we could get around. It was because we were guardians. At the thought the saying that I had grown up with all my life as a dhampir popped into my head. They come first. I knew it I lived it but that all changed when I met Dimitri. I had always wanted nothing more than to guard Lissa. My best friend and the last Dragomir but when I met Dimitri he changed me all I wanted was Dimitri. He had said many times that he felt the same way. If he did then why did he keep pushing me away? Maybe he doesn't love you. I needed to get away. I couldn't bear the thought of Dimitri not loving me. I thought that if I got away all of this would disappear. This unhappiness at the fact that I loved him and that there was a possibility that he didn't love me. At that moment I knew where I was going to run to. I was going to run to somewhere I hoped he wouldn't follow me. The girls' bathroom. I picked up my pace as it came into view and ran inside as soon as I was inside I threw myself onto the soft blood red couch in the bathroom lounge and pulled my knees up to my chest. I hugged them as tight as I could and then I let my emotions flow out of me. I sobbed wishing that the pain in my chest would fade only it didn't. And then I saw them, a pair of scissors by a magazine on the table. I knew I shouldn't but I would do anything to get the pain to subside. So I reluctantly picked up the scissors and just when I was about to make the cut straight across there was Dimitri. So much for not coming into the girls' bathroom. But that wasn't gonna stop me.

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