Chapter 13

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"¿En qué trabajas?" I asked Dimitri trying to make conversation. Of course I knew what his job was although he didn't know that because I wasn't supposed to. I reverted to Spanish now that everyone else was having their own conversation although Tasha glared at me with every Spanish word I uttered. Talk about bitter.

"Yo soy un protector"

"Qué bien"

"Gracias ¿Y usted?"

"Yo soy un protector" I chuckled gesturing to Lissa. Dimitri looked over at her and stopped laughing as a look came to his face.

"You're her guardian?"

"Yes" I said uneasily.

"Vasilissa what ever happened to Rose" he asked her. Tasha laughed and looked at me. Lissa sent me a message through the bond trust me Rose this is not how I really think about you this is just a show.

"Who knows? She left the academy before graduating and went to join the other blood whores" Lissa lied. I'm so sorry Rose.

"Oh really?" Dimitri said his eyebrows raised.

"Yes!" Aleksei said. It was obvious to me that he had had enough. Tasha laughed again and everyone looked to her.

"What's the baby's name?" I asked making all eyes turn on me.

"Her name is Rosalina" Tasha said with annoyance glaring at me once again. At this point whenever someone spoke all eyes travelled to them. I glanced at Dimitri who also seemed to be annoyed with the name.

"His mother just had to name her that"

"Yes" Dimitri said. "She said that Rosalina was the name that god intended her to have and the name came to her just as mine had." Dimitri laughed and glared at the wall. I felt a stab in my heart. The picture on the wall was me. He had the same note of annoyance in his voice as he'd had earlier when they were talking about me.

"Well Creo que es hora de comer desierto Ali. ¿Si? Yes time for desert" I said.

"i Si Tia!" Dimitri stood up.

"Me gustaría ayuda"

"No no necesito ayuda. Gracias. It's just cookies." I walked into the kitchen apparently I had judged the night too quickly. I was a blood whore wasn't I. I denied it for so long but Lissa thought so too. If I had any doubt about if Dimitri no longer loved me it was gone along with that slither of hope that he did love me. I grabbed the tray of cookies and dabbed at my eyes.

"Esta noche hay un libro de actividad." I said smiling at the little joke. "There is an agenda." I started setting down the cookies. "La noche entera está prevista. We will start with karaoke but who can do that without dressing up" I said with fake hostess eagerness.

"Ooh Tio Leksei Tia Tasha lets go" Ali said before walking off with them in each of her small little hands. She came back out just as quickly and pulled Lissa and Christian.

"Come one Mami come on Papi" she said while tugging them into the room and disappearing.

"Hey Aliya what about me or your aunt?" Dimitri laughed with fake outrage in his voice at not being pulled into the room.

"Your too big and my Tia is already pretty." Ali said. She walked into the doorway of the room she'd just pulled everyone into. I could hear them chuckling behind her. "My Tia is always pretty just like a flower." Ali said and walked forward to me. I hugged her.

"Te quiero la mariposa" I said hugging her tightly to me.

"Te quiero Tia" she said

"Go back with Mami and Papi so they don't look like clowns" I said laughing for real. A look of horror came across her face. I'd taught her well.

"Oh no. No way!" she ran to the room.

"Hey" Ali screamed.

"Put that down your going to look foolish" she said. "Listen to your stylist and you'll be beautiful"

"And how old is this stylist" Christian asked.

"I'm Three" Ali said.

"That's just the right age" this family was so sweet.


"Priya?" I felt a hand on my shoulder.


"Are you okay?" Dimitri asked.

"Yes sorry I'm fine."

"You are extraordinary at the Spanish language."(Hehe)

"Thank you."

"Is that the only other language you know how to speak?"


"What other languages do you speak?"

"Je parle français, وأنا أتكلم العربية, and a little bit of Russian"(I actually speak tthese XDD)


"Yeah thanks its part of my job"


"I am guardian of the princess I have to speak more than just one language."

"Good point" he laughed.

"Well I guess I should set up"

"I'll help"

"You are really trying to make me into a bad hostess" I joked.

"All right all right" he laughed at his own silliness. I setup the karaoke machine connecting all the right wires quickly and efficiently all the while feeling Dimitri's eyes on my back. Finally I turned around and he shifted in a way only trained eyes could see. It looked like he thought he'd gotten away with it until I looked into his eyes and grinned.

"It is not nice to stare." I said teasingly and he looked away sorry it's just you look like someone… never mind. You are very efficient with things" he said pointing to the screen.


"We're ready!" Ali screamed walking out the room. Behind her Christian followed with a brown fedora and one of his suit jackets to match. After Christian Aleksei followed with a pony tail in his long brown hair just like Dimitri he looked just as he had when he went in besides a brown vest he then winked at me and pulled his pony tail holder out. Too soon after out came Tasha with Little Rosalina in a cute dress I expected came from her diaper bag. It had pretty sequins around the waist and the cloth was pink. Tasha was wearing a silk brown dress with pink swirls at the bottom that looked like it came from Lissa's closet. She blew a kiss to Dimitri and moved down the line where Ali had motioned her to stand.

"Tia don't they all look beautiful?" I looked down the line smiling at everyone and ready to say yes but suddenly my eyes stopped and my smile disappeared. I was staring right into Tasha's eyes. I stared at her for a second wanting to say no all of a sudden but I couldn't. That would hurt my little Ali. Tasha seemed to realize this and smiled at me. I just hoped she enjoyed this because this was the only time she would ever get a compliment from Rose Hathaway.

"Yes they do Ali" I choked out. This was gonna be a longer night that I thought.

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