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jihoon woke up to the sound of clattering pots coming from outside the bedroom. stretching his arms he combed back his hair from his face to make himself look a little more presentable before pushing himself up from the hard mattress.

even though the mattress wasn't exactly the most comfortable, every inch of his body wanted to do nothing more than flop back down. but the loud noises from the kitchen could only mean three things. one, chan was up and trying to cook which never meant anything good. two, seungcheol was up and trying to clean around but that only meant things were going to fall and get broken or three, both of them were up creating a mess.

none of those scenarios were good especially since they had very limited food and supplies. jihoon quickly stumbled to his feet and looked into the tiny kitchen plus dining table. chan was rummaging through the crooked cabinets searching for food at the same time knocking over pots and pans and seungcheol was hobbling around the tiny space with his crutches trying to boil some water but failing because he kept on knocking into things.

chan was about to climb onto the counter to reach something when he turned to see jihoon still half asleep looking at the two. "oh, ji! you're up! i was just trying to grab the oil... who decided to put an ingredient like this all the way up there?" he mumbled the last part to himself.

"of course i'm up, who wouldn't be after all the ruckus you two are creating." striding over, he quickly pulled chan off the counter and pushed him into a chair right before he could grab the oil.

"hey hoonie, i was just going to boil-

jihoon grabbed seungcheol and placed him into the other chair. he then crossed his arms and sighed. "chan did you go pack your books into your bag?"

chan pushed back his chair, suddenly remembering that he didn't put them in last night because he was busy writing. "thanks for the reminder ji, i'll go do that."

"..fifteen and you still need reminders for things like these." jihoon shook his head and turned his attention to seungcheol. "cheol, you haven't taken your medication yet right?" the older nodded sheepishly. "i'll get the water for it and food going. you just sit here. don't walk around with your injured legs."

after saying that, jihoon busied himself and started boiling the water and pulled seungcheol's medicine and some leftover bread jeonghan gave to him yesterday. "but jihoon," seungcheol whined from the chair, "i want to help too. i feel so useless just sitting here."

removing the whistling kettle from the stove, he looked over his shoulder. "but i want you to heal." he said gently, "just wait till your legs get better. when the day comes, i'm gonna force you to do all the work around the house." he added jokingly.

jihoon mixed some brown power into a cup with hot water before passing it to seungcheol who cringed from the smell. "drink it all cheol," he turned his attention back to the food in front of him. there really wasn't much he could do with bread and porridge.

heating up the food, he grabbed the empty cup from the table and placed it on the counter before calling out for chan. the boy whizzed back to the table with his bag in hand. "it's the same stuff," jihoon said, placing the sliced bread and porridge on the table. "but make sure you eat it all, both of you."

"thanks for the food."

jihoon sat down and watched the two eat without complaints. spooning some food into his own mouth he looked over at chan who was eating at a fast pace. "this bread is really good ji, did jeonghan give it to you?"

jihoon nodded and pursed his lips after seeing how thin chan was. without much thought he passed his own portion of bread towards chan who was just about done his food. "eat this too," he mumbled.

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