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"your majesty... your majesty! please wake up!"

dongyun swatted at the hand that was shaking him gently, "what the fuck are you doing?" he mumbled, burying himself deeper into the mess of silk sheets and pillows. "what ever it is dojin, i'll deal with it in the morning."

most of the time dojin would've stopped shaking him yet this time he didn't. if anything, he continued to push harder. "please your majesty, it's urgent-

"unless it's about father, then it shouldn't be considered urgent." dongyun snapped back tiredly.

"something happened in the dungeons!"

the king didn't move from his blankets. he couldn't care less. why would he care about what happened down in that filthy place? it's not like- as the drowsiness slowly started disappearing, dongyun crawled out from his covers, "what... happened?"

dojin looked at the king grimly, "the two guards by the entrance were killed. captain wen is currently unconscious and lee jihoon escaped."

dongyun clicked his tongue. "so kwon's into these types of people? lee jihoon is a real feisty one." he then let out a little laugh, "i guess that makes him a whole lot more fun to mess around with." he looked at dojin, expecting the man to laugh along but the man's face was still grim as ever. "what is it?" he barked, "captain wen's not severely injured or anything, right? i still need him."

"wen is fine but.. something worse happened."

"well then spit it out! we're not gonna get anywhere if you don't say anything!" the crossed his arms and scowled like a spoiled child who didn't receive a piece of candy.

"it's... kitae, your majesty. he's missing!"

freezing, dongyun visibly paled in the flickering candlelight. his brother. his brother who was supposed to be dead to the world was now no longer in that cell of his. if only his father had killed that disgrace..

dojin looked at him, "do you know what this means?"

clenching his teeth, dongyun climbed off his bed and pointed at the drawer beside his bed. dojin pulled it open and took out a thin pen and ink and lifted the other's silk shirt, swiftly yet delicately drawing a tattoo on the man's mark free stomach. the servant finished it off by sprinkling some powder on top before dropping the shirt.

"execution. for wen junhui." dongyun growled, walking briskly towards his door not bothering to change out of his pyjamas.

"your majesty," dojin hastily dropped the ink and pen back in the drawer. "let's not be rash now. as much as you want him dead, captain wen is notoriously good at strategizing before battle and is by far the most skilled fighter we have."

"if he is so skilled like you say, then why did two people just escape from under his watch?" dongyun sneered, stopping at the door.

"there must be outside factors. perhaps the intruder meant something to him? family, friend or maybe even lover?"

these words suddenly interested dongyun, "outside factors you say?"

"captain wen most likely saw who it was helping those two escape," dojin smiled when seeing the king's eyes sparkle, "you just love playing these types of games, don't you your majesty?"

"you know me too well, dojin." the man said smirking, "making people choose from two equally important things..." he sighed happily, "having power is wonderful." the king walked back and slid into his bed, "you are dismissed."

the servant picked up the light and bowed, "i'll look to the mess in front on the dungeons and go check on captain-

dongyun raised his hand, silencing the other. "it's not captain wen anymore."

blinking, dojin laughed. "of course. everything will be taken care of, your majesty. sleep well."

closing the door gently, dojin let out a silent chuckle in the hallway. his majesty always makes things entertaining.

the night was still dark as ink when jihoon and company arrived at his home. in the night, the place looked even shabbier than usual but at that moment if you asked jihoon what heaven looked like he would point at the house in front of him.

it was strange for him to knock on the door of his own home but he did it anyway waiting for someone to eventually come and open it. surprisingly quick, the door opened showing a messy haired, half asleep chan. maybe he was imagining things but chan looked a lot worse than the last time he saw him.

"hey ch-

jihoon didn't even get the chance to finish his sentence before the younger dropped the light on the ground and wrapped him in a tight hug. "ji! it's you! i can't believe it's actually you! this isn't a dream right?"

laughing, jihoon pinched chan's arm, "not a dream."

chan looked as if he was going to burst into tears, "come in, come in!" only when he was ushering jihoon back inside did notice the other two. "ah- who are... 

the killer and the prince. "er... friends." jihoon ended up saying, dragging the other two in as well. chan lit up the house and dashed back to seungcheol's room before joining the three people at the table.

"hey!" chan pointed at kitae and tilted his head, "you're.. familiar."

kitae grinned, "you are too channie." he said, clearly remembering chan.

"blue eyes... taetae.. kitae?" chan snapped his fingers, "song kitae! wait.." chan inched away, "i thought you died?"

kitae flashed him a half smile, "well... not exactly.."

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