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shifting the steaming mug in his hands, jihoon wiped the fog that was condensing on the window with his sleeve and looked at the frosty white world that laid in front of his eyes. everything from the roofs of the houses to the bare branches of the trees were covered in a layer of fluffy white powder.

the past few weeks for jihoon had been full of nothing but planning, planning and more planning for seungcheol and jeonghan's winter wedding. now that majority of the prep work was over, jihoon gladly took the day off, wanting to do nothing but curl up in a mountain of blankets while sipping hot tea.

there was no way anyone could force him to go outside.

"oh, jihoonie~" there was a sudden knock on his closed door and soonyoung's muffled voice floated into the room. "are you busy?" jihoon moved back over to his bed and stared at the door contemplating what to tell him.

"no.. you can come in," he said, voice a little wary.

soonyoung poked his head in between the doors before letting himself in fully. one glance at jihoon and it was enough to bring a mushy smile on his face. " why are you smiling like that youngie?" jihoon asked.

"aw it's nothing... i just noticed that when you're sitting in all those blankets it makes you look even smaller and cuter than usual." jihoon let out an embarrassed groan and blocked his, definitely red, face with the mug.

jihoon pullled down the mug and shifted on the bed, "what do you want? you can join me on the bed if you'd like," he patted at the empty spot beside him.

"tempting but.." soonyoung's eyes veered to the window, "i've got something cool i want to show you."

"are we going outside?" jihoon asked, clearly noticing that soonyoung had looked out the window.

the prince wrung his fingers together, "well... yes. and before you say anything, i know you don't want to leave your bed but i promise! it will all be worth it." jihoon pursed his lips. if it was anyone else, he wouldn't have to think twice before kicking them out of his room but it was soonyoung...

jihoon let out an unhappy noise. he knew damn well that soonyoung would be standing there for the rest of the day until he agreed. "please jihoonie.. i want to take you somewhere really nice. it'll be a place where we can unwind before the wedding."

"i knew i should've said i was busy.. aish, fine. but wherever we're going, it better be really cool."

soonyoung cheered childishly and pulled jihoon out of his warm covers, "oh trust me," his eyes glinted, "you'll love it."

after lots of layers of warming clothing, a mysterious basket and few long hours of sitting in a carriage, the two finally arrived at the place soonyoung was so eager to show jihoon. "i swear soonyoung..." jihoon said, taking baby steps forward while soonyoung guided him from behind with his hands over jihoon's eyes, "i'm gonna slip on ice and fall."

only laughing, soonyoung nudged him forward, "there's no ice here. just a little bit more and then i'll let you see where we are." trusting in his words, jihoon walked a little faster until, "ok! this is good. i'm gonna remove my hands now.."

jihoon felt the warmth from the hands disappear as he slowly blinked his eyes open. of course. why hadn't he guessed this earlier? for the first time his life jihoon finally saw blue on blue. the stuff he had only read in books was now directly in front of him.

"the... ocean."

"do you like it? or did i screw up," soonyoung asked, staring anxiously at jihoon's face. "you talked about it a lot and just a few weeks ago i saw you reading a book about them so i-

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