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"look at this ji!" those were the first words that popped out of jeonghan's mouth when he walked into the bakery. glancing over to the side, soonyoung was already seated on a chair pulled up near the counter. at this point both jeonghan and jihoon were used to seeing the boy in the shop.

"jihoon!" soonyoung leaped from his chair and attempted to pull jihoon into a hug. backing away from soonyoung, jihoon dodged the hug and pushed soonyoung back into his chair.

"what's going on?" the boy asked, eyeing the newspaper on top of the glass. nudging the paper, jihoon grabbed it and looked at the bolded headline at the top of the page.


just this morning, a citizen noticed a large lump in a back alley.
deciding to check it out, they were shocked to find 7 bodies on
the ground in a puddle of blood. all the men had multiple stab
wounds and...

looking at the picture, jihoon grimaced. all the men had waxy skin, their arms and legs bent in unnatural positions and stab wounds all over their bodies. "looks painful.." he muttered, tossing the paper on an empty table.

"but jihoon, isn't this pretty close to your home?" jeonghan asked worriedly. shrugging, jihoon paced over to the sink to wash his hands.

"i don't know why you're worried about me. it's fine."

"it's not you i'm worried about. it's my wonderful, beautiful cheol and my adorable little chan i'm worried about." jeonghan said, snickering.

jihoon gave the man a scary glare, shutting him up instantly.

"jihoon, i'm worried about you," soonyoung said with genuine worry laced in his voice. jihoon snorted.

"like i said, don't be." jihoon quickly tuned out soonyoung and his ranting and looked around jeonghan at the list of things they had to make today. lots of fun pastries today...

suddenly remembering, jeonghan removed his apron. "i forgot we got this order from an old lady. she wanted us to deliver it, she said she would pay us extra if we did." heading to the back room, jeonghan appeared back with a box of macaroons. "i'm heading out, i expect you to be working.." he said, looking at jihoon, "... and you to be not distracting." he said meeting soonyoung's gaze. "remember now boys... no-

"got it, we get the point!" jihoon blurted out, not wanting to hear what was going to come out of jeonghan's mouth. smirking, jeonghan blew him a kiss before heading out the door.

the first half and hour or so, both boys followed jeonghan's instructions. jihoon worked efficiently and diligently on a batch of muffins while every once in a while, soonyoung would comment on how nice they looked.

jihoon slid the batch in the oven and glanced over at soonyoung. the boy was humming a random tune while seeing how far he could tip back his chair before he fell. walking back to the counter, he thought about the hunting trip they went on the other day. now think about it... he still hasn't gotten soonyoung back for that... and jeonghan isn't here...

"hey soonyoung."

the boy yelped as his chair hit the floor. "yeah?" he responded, chuckling weakly.

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