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behind the lavish castle walls, a young man standing in front of a set of polished wooden doors shifted his weight to his left side and sighed for the nth time that day. it was unprofessional to sigh. the man knew that already. everything from shifting back and forth to constantly wondering when his shift would be over was all unprofessional for a royal guard but wen junhui was tired.

come on.. there can't be more than five minutes left... when is hyukjae coming..

junhui rocked back and forth on his heels. he was never good at staying still like his father or his friends and now knowing that any minute he would be free he was more fidgety than ever.

when hearing the sounds of footsteps echoing down the hallway getting louder and louder, junhui leaped from his spot beside the door and ran towards the source of the noise. "hyukjae! finally you're-

the man snapped his mouth shut when he realized that the person walking wasn't his guard friend but instead a castle servant, lee seokmin to be exact. running his fingers through his russet coloured hair, junhui groaned. "oh, it's you.."

"and i thought you would be happy to see me." seokmin grumbles.

lee seokmin, one of junhui's closest friends in the castle. the man was an impeccable servant that all the staff loved. he would often stop by junhui during his longer shifts to keep the man company.

"i am happy to see you, it's just.. i was expecting hyukjae to show up so i could be freed from my shift."

seokmin chuckled, "sorry to disappoint you but you've still got at least three more minutes before you're free to go."

"three more? you've got to be kidding me.. you have to stay with me for the last little bit or else i don't think i'm gonna make it." junhui whines.

"actually... his majesty requested for you. i'm supposed to bring you over to him." junhui's ears perked up immediately. his majesty?

"min! do you think he's finally going to address the killer issue?" junhui said out, eyes gleaming. this killer has been roaming around nytis for a while now and every article junhui's read and heard about the killer made him more and more eager to go out and catch the person.

unfortunately for him, he wasn't allowed to because "his majesty doesn't give a shit about the wellbeing of the people" and even though the king had already announced that he would be sending guards out, none of them had received any orders. "i hope that idiot-

"language." seokmin said sternly. "if someone hears you, you'll most definitely get punished for calling his majesty that."

"but there's no one around," junhui said, waving to the empty hallway, "and plus we both know that literally half the staff hate him."

"i know.. but still," seokmin looked around nervously, " i don't want you getting into trouble."

junhui smiled at the servant, "aww, minnie's worried about me."

"of course i am!" the man said back, the doors of the throne room in sight. "be on your best behaviour in there or else you might be losing your head!"

"but would his majesty really cut off a head as handsome as-

seokmin shoved his palm in junhui's face. "alright jun, that's enough."

"i see that you're here captain," dongyun looked lazily down from his throne. junhui dropped to a deep bow before straightening his back.

"you called your majesty?"

dongyun narrowed his eyes, "why haven't you caught the killer yet? do you know how long it took to wash off all that blood? and yesterday my dear dojin was brought back all bloody and bruised, saying that a man in red attacked him. i expected better from you, captain." junhui restrained from rolling his eyes.

"your majesty, you have not granted us permission to catch the killer yet."

"oh, i haven't?" he said monotonously, "well i have now. i expect the killer to be captured as soon as possible. and just letting you know, captain, i'm not a patient guy."

i can tell...

"of course your majesty."

"captain," the king called out again, "if anything similar happens to dojin or my beautiful castle, i'm afraid i'll have to pass your title as captain to someone else. is that clear?"

"yes your majesty."

"you are dismissed," dongyun said, waving junhui off. the guard bowed once again before leaving the room at a brisk pace. only when he walked out into the hallway did he release a breath.

attacking dojin, huh? it's not like anyone liked him anyways...

whatever, that didn't matter. all that mattered was junhui could finally get the chance to do something more useful than just standing by a door. he could finally help the poor people and maybe even impress his father for once.

and then maybe, just maybe he'll have the guts to tell his father that thing...

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