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"say.. junhui," jihoon tore his gaze away from the dark sky as soon as the other guard left, "where does that food go? the food that the other guard always carries down." this was something jihoon had been curious about for days now.

three times a day a new guard would come down and bring food, actually decent looking, down the dungeon halls. there were times when jihoon tried to peek through the metals bars to see where it all went but he never found out due to the poor lighting.

"that food?" junhui shrugged his shoulders, "i know just as much as you when it comes to that. whoever it's for, apparently i'm not supposed to worry about it." he said, "and frankly, i'm glad i don't have to worry about it. you shouldn't either."

the guard yawned and stretched his arms, "you know, at first i hated working down here but then i realized that there's no one else around aside from you prisoners so that means... i can do whatever i want." saying that, junhui took a seat on the ground glad that he could finally rest his legs.

"i don't think that's a good idea... if you get caught you might be losing your job." jihoon said warily. never ever has he seen a royal guard so laid back and unprofessional. it was odd yet amusing at the same time.

"perfect," junhui mumbled tiredly, "i never wanted this job anyways.

"what about losing a head?"

"why do you sound so worried? it's not like you're the one that's gonna lose a head." junhui idly drummed his fingers, "i'm not supposed to talk to prisoners or sneak them food and i still do both. what harm can it do if i add another thing onto the list?"

the boy was about to respond with lots of harm when he heard a strange thump coming from the stairs leading out of the dungeons. staying in the cell closest to the stairs, jihoon heard it clearly. it sounded like something heavy and soft dropped to the floor something like a body.

junhui heard it too and for the first time did he actually look and act like a guard. the man swiftly picked himself up from the ground, eyes darting around, ears on full alert. he didn't say anything as he placed his hands on the sword hanging from his waist.

"maybe it's another guard?" jihoon suggested unhelpfully.

"doubtful." the man answered in a hushed voice, "the one that came before to deliver the food is supposed to be the last guard that comes down every night. plus it's late there shouldn't be many people awake at this time."

jihoon stood by the bars, listening closely. but after that first thud all he could hear was junhui's quiet breaths and-


another drop. that sound jolted jihoon away from the bars, at the same time causing junhui to draw his weapon. light taps echoed down the stairs getting louder and louder as more time passed.

heart pounding in his rib cage, jihoon could help feel a rush of adrenaline. if it wasn't a guard that means it might be a lifesaver. maybe it was because of all the talking junhui but he couldn't help feel a little guilty while thinking about the possibility of escaping.

it was first just a shadowy blob but as it moved closer and closer both jihoon and junhui caught a glimpse of something red. an oh so familiar red cloak. "never would i have thought that the killer would show up right in front of me." the guard said steely, shifting his grip on the hilt of the sword.

the killer stopped on the steps for a brief moment before moving closer and closer. jihoon could only watch from his cell, his lips sewn shut and filled with mixed emotions. he didn't want a fight to break out but he had strong feelings that a fight was inevitable.

"i've been searching for a long time. i'm glad my searching ends now." junhui smiled a cold smile, "you're not leaving here tonight, killer." there was movement under the cloak.

a pale hand appeared from under it with a small silver knife twirling amongst the thin fingers. a small knife against junhui's sword. jihoon chewed on his lip nervously. he was starting to think that maybe minghao really wasn't going to make it out alive.

the guard swiftly swung his sword down towards the man, light from the torches bouncing off of the shiny metal. the sound of metal on metal filled the dungeons as the killer blocked the blow with the knife.

junhui narrowed his eyes, not expecting such strength. he pulled back quickly before slicing down again, refusing to believe that he couldn't knock the knife out of the killer's hand. however, yet again was his blow block and shoved away and this time the killer lunged forward sending a strong kick to his chest.

skidding back, he let out several coughs before glaring at the man in front of him. "that fucking hood of yours is really pissing me off. everyone is going to know exactly who the fuck you are tomorrow morning because it's coming off tonight." dropping his sword, junhui pulled out a smaller knife and rushed forward.

jihoon watched quietly from his cell unable to keep up with which knife was whose. all he saw were streaks of streaks of silver with swift punches and kicks. the boy found it odd that not once has minghao tried stabbing the other.

the two leaped away from each other. junhui still looking determined as ever and the killer... still twirling his knife but somehow it didn't seem as carefree as earlier. jihoon wanted to say something but then again would either of them even hear him?

then something unexpected happened. the killer reached out his other hand and pulled the red hood off his head. "what are you- " jihoon was at a loss of words. why would minghao do that?! is he stupid?

junhui gasped, eyes wide with shock. "m-minghao?" junhui had seen this person before. he was the pick pocketer. the boy he saw at mr nam's stall. the person he has been talking with and hanging out with for so many weeks now. that quirky, adorable boy was a bloodthirsty- no the bloodthirsty killer?

minghao smiled, "not bad junnie but i expected better."

"y-you're the killer?" junhui stuttered out, unable to believe his eyes. his grip felt weak. suddenly he wasn't so sure if he wanted to catch the killer.

"mm.. the killer? i guess you could call me that."

"why...why would you do such a thing?" he asked pathetically.

ignoring the question, minghao put his knife away and walked closer to junhui, "are you going to kill me? are you still going to catch me? hand me to the king and watch as my head rolls onto the ground?"

the guard couldn't think properly with minghao so close to him. all he had to do was take a few steps, thrust his knife and then minghao would most certainly die. he would have helped the people, the kingdom and made his father proud... and then and then.. his father would almost definitely allow him to work on medicine maybe even open his own shop..

but then minghao.. someone who understood him, who he could talk to, who maybe he actually liked would die. why oh why did it have to be minghao? it's minghao, he's a boy.. he's a killer, a killer. the killer

"i'm sorry haohao but i can't let you live."

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