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jihoon opened his eyes. he was in a small dim room, lying on a lumpy mattress with a thin blanket over top of him. it was in the bedroom in his house? how did he get here wasn't he... right, soonyoung. he dimly remembered yelling coming from out of soonyoung's mouth and those criminals... the red cloaked person. the boy felt sick just thinking about it.

he lifted his head up from the mattress only to drop it back down with a quiet groan. pressing his fingers lightly against his neck, jihoon winced. those fuckers, couldn't have been a tad more gentle huh.

from outside the room, the sound of footsteps and the thumping sound of wooden crutches came nearer and nearer. the door cracked open and chan's head cautiously popped out followed by seungcheol.

"w- jihoon stopped himself. his voice shocked him a little. a lot raspier than before. he cleared his throat and swallowed, "aren't you two gonna come in?" there was a moment of stillness and then the door flew open with both chan and seungcheol tumbling inside.

"ji! you're up!" chan leapt to jihoon's side. "how are you feeling? are you hungry? oh! water! you're probably thirsty right, i mean you've been out for some time..." jihoon sighed and covered his head with the blanket. all of chan's talking was hurting his head.

"water is fine," he muffled through the fabric. "and chan?"

the younger stopped in his tracks and nodded like a puppy. "yes?"

"please shut up, you talk way too much when you're excited."

chan huffed, "i was expecting something like a 'thank you' but fine." seungcheol chuckled and gave chan a light shove.

"get to it, kid."

walking out the room chan mumbled something along the lines of "i'm not a kid, i'm only two years younger than ji." before heading off for water. now that the room was quieter, jihoon pulled the blanket down and looked at seungcheol leaning overhead.

"how long was i out for?" he questioned.

"you were out for the entirety of last night and it's around two in the afternoon right now. so around eighteen-ish hours i think?" jihoon pushed himself up, clearly noticing the pain in his back and stomach.

"i have to go to work."

just at this moment, chan walked in with a glass of water. "you're not going anywhere ji. soonyoung already informed jeonghan about your condition. he said you're taking the week off." chan's face showed distaste when he mentioned soonyoung.

taking the water, jihoon gulped it down leaving his throat feeling much better. "soonyoung told jeonghan i'm taking the week off?! that's ridiculous." he said incredulously. now thinking, where was soonyoung? "where is soonyoung anyways?"

"he's at the bakery but comes back here every two hours to check on you," seungcheol replied. "and speaking of soonyoung.." a knock echoed through the tiny house. "there he is right now. i'll go get the door."

"every two hours? that dummy." chan looked around the room and didn't comment. jihoon couldn't help but find his behaviour weird.

"jihoon!" soonyoung appeared behind the door frame. "oh- thank god you're okay." he knelt by the mattress and inspected jihoon carefully. his eyes fell on the bruise marks around jihoon's neck

"it looked worse than it actually is." he said reassuringly.

soonyoung didn't quite believe him. "are you in pain? i brought painkillers for you. are you hungry? i can go cook something- actually i can go buy some food. oh! water? wait- you already had some right? jihoon! don't sit up, lay down! lay down!"

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