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"where is he?"

"what.. are- "

"don't try and lie to me jihoon. it's better for both of us if you cooperate." dongyun glared. "i hope you haven't forgotten that your dear friend is in our hands and that there are two other little rats hiding in that cart over there." jihoon looked over at the cart and trusted that chan and seungcheol were doing fine.

minghao, he couldn't just blatantly give him away. not after everything he has done to help him. he couldn't do that to minghao and he won't ever do it. just deny it jihoon. deny it. "you're seriously talking bullshit now, huh?" jihoon hissed, "i don't know the killer, he wasn't the one who helped me!"

dongyun looked unimpressed at jihoon's lie. he waved his hand, "alright then, do your thing wen." jihoon watched as the guard hesitated for the slightest amount of time before yanking on jeonghan's hair harshly.

the man winced and jihoon watched as junhui dusted off his hand letting thin strands of hair float to the ground. the guard's face was still expressionless as ever. "can't do any better, wen?" dojin chuckled. "i wonder how you became captain in the first place."

without hesitation, dojin walked over and smashed the heel of his palm into jeonghan's cheek. jeonghan didn't make any noise but jihoon could tell from his facial expression that it was a lot more painful than what junhui just did. "but of course, you're not captain anymore." dojin snickered.

"cooperate and everything will be much better." jihoon eyed jeonghan and felt so much guilt flood through him. he shouldn't have been involved in the first place. meeting his eyes jeonghan shook his head furiously. "i'm waiting.."

jihoon tapped his foot anxiously, "wait. let's talk about this. let jeonghan go, he has nothing to do with this."

dongyun sighed and waved his hand. "go on wen. oh and i'm sure you can do much more than pulling hair. don't hold back." jihoon looked at junhui, trying to meet his eyes. junhui wouldn't do things like this.

this time the guard hesitated for longer. he stared hollowly at jeonghan, arms glued to his sides, not moving. dojin raised a brow at junhui. "what's taking so long wen? i never thought you were this pathetic. please allow me, your majesty."

jeonghan stared at jihoon, unconcerned about what was coming next. the man's mouth moved as if he was mouthing something to jihoon.

..e.. ta

..e.. dae

"stop!" jihoon yelled out. of course, how did he forget? "why are you all even listening to him? this man is pathetic!" jihoon called out, pointing at dongyun. "he's not even the rightful heir to the throne, he's not the king! the crown belongs to song kitae, not him!"

dongyun's face froze, along with everyone else.

i did it. now everyone knows your secret. "why are you all listening to his command? junhui! you don't have to do this anymore! everyone- "

dojin was the first to react. he lowered his fist and started to laugh. the man bent down and clutched his stomach, his entire body shaking with laughter. "you're crazy," the man wheezed, "everyone knows that prince kitae died years ago."

a few guards actually nodded their head along, with low laughter falling out of their mouths. "that's right, jihoon." dongyun said, quickly recovering from his outburst, "the fire must be messing with your head."

"no!" jihoon turned his head and saw chan running over, "kitae is alive i saw it with my own eyes! he was stuck in the dungeons the entire time and escaped with jihoon!" chan retorted angrily. seungcheol wasn't with him but instead sitting outside the cart with worry lining every inch of his face.

dongyun looked at chan, not taking him seriously at all. "and where's your proof, little fool?" chan narrowed his eyes.

"here's my fucking proof." before jihoon could grab him, chan leaped up sending a punch directly to the center of dongyun's face. "wait until everyone sees your- " reaching for dongyun's shirt, chan was about to reveal the tattoo when a kick sent him flying back.

wheezing, chan watched as dojin carefully steadied dongyun. "you're lucky i didn't kill you, you insolent little rat." dojin growled. dongyun looked just as pissed.

"wen, draw your sword." junhui pulled out his sword. "since jihoon clearly isn't going to say anything, you can get kill his stupid friend now. we'll find the killer in no time anyways." dongyun fumed angrily.

when junhui stayed frozen, dongyun scowled, "you useless, useless thing. i don't care about your feelings.. your job is to listen to my command and do it without any hesitation! so hurry the fuck up already!"

junhui knuckles turned white. the sword rattled in his hands. "your majesty... i-i.."

"wait!" jihoon couldn't watch anymore. this was all his fault. it only made sense if he was the one who ended it too. "wait. please. i'm a criminal too, aren't i?" every part of his brain screamed at him to shut up but his mouth didn't listen. "just take me back with you. let jeonghan go as well as the other two." jihoon stared at dongyun, "as long as you're in charge, i won't leave, escape or anything. i'll.. i'll just stay in the castle."

dongyun's eyes gleamed, "hmm.. that's tempting." dojin leaned over and whispered something in his ear. whatever dojin suggested made dongyun smile. "you know what? i might just accept that offer."

"jihoon! what are you saying?" jeonghan shot daggers at the boy. "are you stupid? what's wrong with you!"

jihoon ignored him, "so is that a yes?"

"mm.. yeah. i accept your offer." dongyun grinned.

dojin walked over to jeonghan and took off the restraints but still held onto the man, preventing him from running over to jihoon (or socking someone in the face). dongyun gripped jihoon's wrist and waved at junhui. "wen, stay back and clean up this mess. don't disappoint me this time."

what was jihoon feeling? even the boy didn't know. his emotions were too messy and jumbled at this point. everything was blurred into one giant mess. he didn't want to look at chan or seungcheol nor did he want to think about soonyoung and then rest of them.

he was tired of feeling things.

smoke. that was the first thing minghao smelled when he walked out of the alleyway. speeding up his footsteps, he kept his eyes in front of him, waiting to see the small bakery appear, waiting to see the clunky wooden cart everyone pitched in to make.

but there was no bakery.

a blackened building, with half of it collapsed and the other half barely standing was what minghao saw. amidst all ash and ruins the trembling back of a man faced minghao.

wen junhui.

face in his hands, the guard was on his knees sobbing. "junhui." minghao spoke monotonously, not wanting to see the man ever again. "what did you do?"

"i-i can't do this, i-i can't. i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry.."

silent, minghao stood still and listened as junhui sobbed and repeated those same words over and over again.

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