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as gorgeous and extravagant the castle was, junhui couldn't stand the people that stayed there. more specifically the higher ups. he much preferred going down and hanging out with the people in the town.

finally getting rid of his tight, uncomfortable uniform, junhui rolled his stiff joints and headed down to the loud bustling markets. the smell of hot food traveled to his nose and straight down to his grumbling stomach. as tempting as the meat and vegetables looked, junhui suppressed the urge to join the crowd of people and slipped between them instead.

there was one stall he was looking for and that was...


hearing his name, the man grinned and headed over to the old man who called him over. "i got my hands on some dried echinaceas for you." the old man flashed junhui a toothy grin and held up a couple of dried purple flowers.

"already?" junhui picked up the dried plants eagerly, "thanks old man!" he pulled out a little cloth bag and placed the dried plants inside. i've heard these are good for colds... i'll have to do some experimenting later.

that's right, junhui at a stall run by an old man, buying dried plants. if his father ever found out, it would be over for him. but junhui was willing to take the risk because there was nothing in the world that interested him more than medicine.

sure he was the best fighter at the castle and being a guard was a decent job but if you were to ask junhui what he wanted to pursue he would say medicine without any hesitation.

"junhui, our entire family is destined to be guards for the king." his father said sternly, "when you grow up, i expect you to become captain of the guards just like how i was, just like how your grandfather was."

"old man, do you have any ginger left? ooh and.." junhui looked at the gold he brought with him, "some rén shēn- or i mean, ginseng." junhui covered his mouth, face turning a little red.

"still bursting into chinese when you're excited?" the old man called out, letting out a rough laugh.

"i'm never gonna get rid of that.." junhui scratched his head grinning, "old man, how about those goji berries? i'll take as much as i can with this gold." junhui spilled a few coins on the table and looked excitedly through the glass containers.

junhui liked helping people but more in terms of healing than fighting.

"junhui," a voice called out harshly, stopping the small boy in his tracks. "what are you holding?" junhui turned around slowly and flashed his father wen guanghe a weak smile.

"i.. these are chai hu i found outside." junhui looked down at the yellow flowers and smiled, "father! i heard from grandma that these can heal you! isn't that so cool?"  guanghe walked up to the little boy and in one swift motion ripped the flowers out of his hand, scattering green and yellow all over the floor.

"don't waste your time on useless things." he grunted, "you can't even last five minutes when fighting me. keeping working on your form."

"still working as a guard?" the old man called out to junhui. the young man only hummed in response, intrigued by a jar full of a strange looking root. "when are you gonna leave that place and work for me?" the man joked out.

junhui sighed, "you know how my father is mr nam... i'm never getting my butt out of there. he's gonna tell me 'junhui, you have to continue on the tradition." the chinese said in a deep voice, mimicking his father. "i can't even mention the topic of quitting to him.." he pouted, "but.. maybe if i catch this killer.. maybe then he'll consider it."

mr nam sat down on a nearby chair, making it creak in the process. "parents.." he said under his breath, "hey kid, just remember that in the end it's you that's in charge of your life. people can tell you things but it's you that has the control.."

"now you're putting ideas in my head old man.." junhui grumbled, "don't worry about me, just wait until i get back here telling you i caught the killer. then, i'll consider my next move."

a sudden angry yell traveled to junhui's ear. "where did my gold go you little thief!? i know you stood it from my pocket!" a fat man, with a shiny bald (now red) head was tightly gripping the collar of a thin young man. "where did you put it!" the bald man's head was talking so furiously little drops of spit were landing on the other person's  face.

however, the young boy didn't seem fazed at all. if anything, that tiny curve on his lips made him look as if he was amused. his unblinking black eyes met with the bald man's angry gaze.

pickpocketing... junhui thought. it happened all the time in nytis. well since i'm here, might as well step in before things get physical. shooting mr nam a quick nod he stuffed the dried goods in his pockets and quickly headed over.

"i don't have your gold, you even check my pockets." the young boy said calmly.

"well.. i-" the angry man sputtered, "i know you have it on you somewhere! if you don't hand out my gold right now..." the man raised one of his meaty fists in the air and..

"woah, woah." junhui gripped the fist and pushed it away. the two people turned their attention to junhui. the man, narrowing his eyes and staring angrily, while the boy with a hint of curiosity. "first of all.." the chinese man easily pried the bald man's grip off the young boy's shirt. "this has to stop."

"who do you think you are telling me what to do?" the man yelled, "this is none of your business!"

ignoring the yelling, the guard turned to the other man who was gently wiping his face on his sleeve. "excuse sir but did you steal something from this man?" the boy shook his head.

"he claimed that i took his gold when i clearly have nothing in my pockets." he then proceeded to show junhui his pockets which were indeed empty.

"then how do you prove you didn't put it somewhere else?"

"oh that?" the young boy smiled, "that because i know who actually took it." he pointed one of his pale fingers in the direction of a nearby man watching the action. "he took your gold, baldy."

the man on the side blinked in surprise. "me?! but i don't have anything! look at my pockets-

the man showed his pockets and gasped when a brown sack fell out revealing golden coins inside. the bald man's eyebrows hot up, "hey! that's my bag!" even more angry than before, the fat man picked up the bag and glared at the other man who kept on stammering that he had no idea how the gold got in his pockets.

junhui raised a brow at the man who just dropped the bag of gold and then glanced at the long forgotten young man. the boy's thin lips were ever so lightly curled at the ends as if he was smirking.

narrowing his eyes, junhui shot out his arm and gripped the young man's shoulder. something was off here... "you.." hearing a pained cry, junhui turned his attention back to the other two men. the bald one already throwing punches at the other one. without thinking the guard rushed over. "hey! you've got your gold now right? there's no point in fighting! i can issue out a fine for-

"wait- what is this!" the bald man was gripping on one of the golden coins. junhui squinted closely and saw golden colour on the man's fingers. it was golden paint on plain metal?


junhui whipped his head around to see that the other boy was no longer there.

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