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"soonyoung! you can't disappear again!" jihoon yelled out.

running his fingers through his damp hair, jihoon sighed. soonyoung was right beside him when they left the forest but now that they were back in town, the boy seemingly disappeared into thin air.

he glanced around not knowing where soonyoung could have gone. he knew that the boy was probably playing some sort of trick on him again and it annoyed him.

"i still have your jacket! soonyoung!" not getting a response, jihoon groaned. "okay then, just disappear like that." he muttered. i'll just give back his jacket at the bakery tomorrow.

huffing jihoon headed back home only to find himself freezing in his steps.

that feeling again.

turning his head, he heard the quiet sound of laughter traveling down the street. "soonyoung?" out of the corner of his eye, the boy saw someone turn into an alleyway. "come on soonyoung.." he gritted out anxiously, "this really isn't funny.."

standing frozen in the street, he thought whether he should go check out the alleyway or go home. home was the safer option but the more he thought about this all, the more he started to worry that soonyoung was in trouble. oh, fuck it. on slightly jittery legs, jihoon headed towards the alleyway.

with the slightly damp jacket swung over one shoulder, jihoon cautiously peeked in the darkness. "soonyoung wherever you are, you'd better not be here. get your ass home already unless you want to get sick."

no response.

placing his hands on his hips, the boy watched as a rat skitter by. other than that animal no movement was present. that person earlier.. i must be imagining things.. sighing tiredly, jihoon turned to head back home.

then suddenly, out of nowhere, a rough hand clamped around his throat slamming him against the dirty brick wall. jihoon's eyes widened and he choked out a scream. it was funny how things could change so fast. he was fine just a second ago but now every part of his was on fire.

jihoon blinked the black spots out of his eyes and managed to get them to focus on the face in front of him.

long shaggy hair that looked like it hadn't been cut in years, a nose that was bent to one side, a rough scraggly face covered in scars and a mouth full of crooked teeth that were exposed every time the man smiled.

fucking criminals.

"hey look what i caught tonight, em," the man holding jihoon to the wall cackled proudly. another man, who jihoon assumed was kim, came into jihoon's field of view. he looked just as bad as the other, maybe even worse because of a jagged scar running across his face. "i wonder if this little peasant has any money on him."

kim picked up jihoon's (soonyoung's) dropped jacket and dug through all the pockets finding nothing. clearly disappointed, he tsked and threw the jacket back on the ground.

"let me go you fuckers." jihoon rasped out once he had finally gained back his breath. although the hand around his neck was long gone, he was still pinned against the bricks.

both men looked at him before howling with laughter. "the little peasant wants us to release him- shay did you hear that?" the man pinning him in place, which jihoon now knew as shay, responded with nothing but ugly laughter.

jihoon squirmed under the man's grip, hoping he could wiggle free but despite his looks, shay didn't budge at all. "you're not going anywhere tonight. kim, check his pants."

"i'm a fucking peasant, you think i carry money around in my pockets?" jihoon growled out. ignoring his protests, the man reached into all his pockets, his touch sometimes lingering a little too long.

"it's a shame you have such a pretty face but clearly no brain up there." kim chuckled, knocking his fist on jihoon's head. "everyone knows you shouldn't go exploring into alleys. especially not when the sun is setting."

jihoon's eyes darted around, noticing a broken piece of wood not too far away. this will have to do.. "no brain huh," jihoon stared at shay coldly before harshly raising his knee,  hitting the man right in the groin.

"you son of a-

taking this as his only chance, jihoon pushed out of the man's hold and reached for the wood. without thinking, he raised it blindly and slammed into down with all his energy. good news, jihoon hit kim in the head. bad news, shay was up again.

"you bitch!" for the second time that day, jihoon got slammed against the wall and god did it hurt. jihoon closed his eyes as hot pain seared across his back. next, he felt a fist make contact with his stomach, forcing his eyes open and making the whole world spin.

"that's it," kim growled from the ground and pulled out a knife. "enough playing around."

this is it, i'm going to die the most pathetic death. and i'm never going get to return soonyoung's jacket.

with his eyes closed, jihoon waited for the blow.

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