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after throwing the money away once more, the bag disappeared. jihoon didn't know if he should feel relieved or worried that this was all just calm before a storm.

the statuts on the killer was the same. nobody had a clue who the person was, not even the guards. deaths of people slowly grew, each of them found dead covered in wounds looking as if they died painfully.

wanted posters were pasted all around the village with hand drawn images of what the killer might look like. some of them jihoon just had to laugh at. there was no way the killer was some hybrid man dog thing.

along with deaths, more stores have been broken into; especially the more wealthier ones. all the valuables items from the shop were stripped clean. whoever was breaking into these shops were starting to make the citizens anxious, more specifically the richer citizens.

losing all your money meant no way to pay taxes. no money for taxes resulted in selling of property and goods (if you were lucky), jailing or even in extreme cases death.

when arriving at the bakery, jihoon noticed soonyoung sitting outside by the door. his usual silver hair looked neater and was parted to either side, showing off his handsome face. his entire outfit was clean and pretty much wrinkle free as well. soonyoung was planning something and jihoon was curious to find out what.

once seeing the baker soonyoung leaped up, ran over and wrapped his arms around the boy pulling him into a sort of side hug. "good morning jihoonie!" soonyoung coughed, "i mean jihoon!"

jihoon shrugged the boy off and narrowed his eyes. soonyoung never corrected himself before. "good morning soonyoung, you're extra weird today." he looked at soonyoung's hair and outfit, "fancy attire, do you have plans with someone today?" he ignored the stupid twinge in his heart when he said that.

soonyoung immediately shook his head. "actually i..." he jitterd around nervously.

"yes?" jihoon nodded expectantly.

"i want to work at the bakery. jeonghan's a little scary sometimes, can you put in a good word for me?" soonyoung pleaded rubbing his hands together.

those words were the last that jihoon wanted to hear. soonyoung had no idea how much jeonghan had talked to jihoon about wanting to hire him.

"i want to hire soonyoung before someone else does!"

"ji, you're so much happier with soonyoung! i want to hire him and then tease you about it- i mean what?"

"ji spy on the boy and see if he's working. if not, then tell him a certain someone wants him to work at the bakery."

jihoon didn't even have to say anything and he knows that jeonghan would be beyond happy to hire him. this is where things start to get problematic because jihoon doesn't want soonyoung to work with him and he has multiple reasons why.

reason number one, he had a really big feeling that having soonyoung around would lead to decreased efficiency. soonyoung was so good at joking around and wasting time, even just talking to him distracted jihoon from his baking, leading to falling behind in schedule and the burning of goods (this reason is partially his own fault for getting distracted by soonyoung so easily but let's just ignore that).

reason number two, jeonghan's going to tease the life out of him as soon as soonyoung isn't paying attention. and that's the one thing that jihoon can't stand.

reason number three, he's warming up to soonyoung faster than anyone else and it's terrifying. even when jihoon tries to push him away, the boy shakes it off like nothing and continues to speak to him. although he is grateful that soonyoung doesn't leave, jihoon doesn't want to accept it.

"oh." the baker says weakly. "why so sudden?"

"i'm running out of money," soonyoung replied lamely.

"i'm sure wonwoo would love it if you went to work with him, i mean, the boy's probably really lonely in his book shop."

soonyoung shook his head, "i went earlier and wonwoo said that he didn't need help and seriously, that boy is living his best life with all those books and no one to annoy him." jihoon nodded subtly. now think about it, wonwoo could probably stay in that shop for a whole year without being bored if someone provided him with food and water.

"plus, i'd rather work with you!" he said, flashing jihoon a cute smile.

jihoon pursed his lips trying not to smile. at first he was planning to tell the silver haired boy straight up no but then after hearing that soonyoung was running out of money jihoon couldn't help but feel a little bad. "hmm... we'll see."

soonyoung gasped and smiled. "i knew i could count on you jihoonie!"

"i didn't say i would help." jihoon muttered.

"ah, sorry jihoonie- i mean jihoon! please help me!"

"aish... lets just go inside."

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