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"you know those giant trading carts filled with all sorts of random things? it wouldn't be too difficult to make one for ourselves and then hide a few humans in there, would it?"

"kitae!" jihoon laughed in disbelief. "you're a prince.. i don't think you should be promoting these sorts of acts."

the man waved his hand idly, "correction, i'm a prince who's dead to the rest of the world so technically... i can do whatever i want." he said, grinning cheekily. jihoon suddenly felt a lot lighter.

"go get some sleep now," the younger smiled, shoving kitae to his feet. "i bet you haven't gotten a wink the entire night."

"sleep? no way," kitae bundled up the blanket and tossed it back to jihoon, "the sun's gonna be up in a few hours. how long has it been since my last sunrise? there's no way i'm gonna miss this one." 

"ji, we're sorry." chan said, hanging his head. "i feel like cheol and i make you're life so much more difficult. you'd have no problem leaving nytis if it was just yourself. you earn money and you are constantly looking out for us, worrying about us, making sure that we're healthy and living the best life we can but we don't do- ow!"

"ow- hey! why me too hoon?"

jihoon retracted his finger and scowled at his two brothers who were rubbing their now red foreheads. "are you kidding me? don't say such stupid things. you don't know how much you two helped me. if it weren't for you two, i'd probably still be that mute kid from clover field."

clicking his tongue, he continued. "if you wanted me to list everything you two have done for me, we'd be here for years. you're two support me when i'm unsure, bring me happiness when it feels like the world is crumbling, give me something to look forward to whenever i feel hopeless..." jihoon looked away, slightly embarrassed, "and i'm the one who should be apologizing. i'm sorry for yelling. and you're right cheol, it's not the end of the world. you two are still my dear family."

seungcheol laughed affectionately, "since when did lee jihoon get so sappy?"

"i-i didn't! this was just a one time thing! you'd better remember all that stuff because i'm never saying it again." jihoon grumbled.

"you must really love soonyoung if you're willing leave nytis for him,"

"ji, we'll come with you! you didn't even have to ask, we'll go to reinwa with you." chan said with all seriousness. "but when you see soonyoung again... let me punch him for lying, okay?"

jihoon let out a little laugh, "of course. after i punch him first that is."

"leaving? of course i'll help you!" jeonghan said, "but remember, you've got to invite me to your wedding 'kay?"

rolling his eyes, jihoon smacked jeonghan on the head. "shut it."

jeonghan looked jihoon up and down before suddenly pulling him into a hug so tight it almost cut off his air. "jihoon, i'm gonna miss you. the bakery isn't the same without you and it never will be. remember to write lots of letters ok?"

"can't... breathe..."

giggling, jeonghan released the boy from his arms. "oh and take care of my babies too. make sure cheollie and channie send lots and lots of letters too.."

"thanks hannie, for everything. really."

"oh jihoonie, you've definitely gotten sappier." jeonghan cracked his knuckles, "well, time to get to work. one cart full of bread coming right up! ... and maybe i'll throw in a few of my antique dolls..."

"keep those creepy things to yourself..."

the whole process took less time than anticipated thanks to the help from the kind people living in the alleyways. with one full day of non stop work, there was a sloppy yet durable cart filled to the brim with all sorts of baked goods and bags of flour parked right outside jeonghan's (now mainly empty) bakery.

minghao and kitae stood beside the cart, helping to cover up the three boys with the items inside.

"you okay back there cheol?" chan called out to the older sitting in one of the dark corners of the cart behind bags of flour.

"yep, a little cramped but bearable." minghao nodded at chan and helped him clamber on. the boy sat flush against the back wall and then proceeded to cover himself with boxes full of bread.

"minghao, taetae, thank you!" chan whispered out, his body now completely hidden.

kitae whispered back good luck while minghao straight up ignored the boy and proceeded to drag jihoon up. "you're the last one, jihoon!" kitae said quietly, "jeonghan's staying in the bakery tonight so you three can leave as soon as the sun is up. stay quiet and still back there until jeonghan tells you guys it's clear."

he let out a little sad sigh, "i haven't seen you in so long and now you're leaving already. but i still hope that everything goes well for you three, good luck."

"i gave jeonghan the fake goods conformation paper that the guards will need to see at the gates." minghao said. his eyes still unblinking like always but mouth curled into a small smile. "meeting you was interesting jihoon. have fun in reinwa."

"thanks for all the help. this doesn't affect you two yet both of you helped me out so much. make sure you two get lots of rest." giving them one last glance, jihoon too, crawled into the cart getting blocked completely by the boxes and bags.

jihoon stopped shifting around and let out a quiet breath. just a little longer and things were going to be okay.

just a heads up, this is not the end. hang in there my dear readers!

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