Chapter One

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Hi, everybody. This is actually my first fanfic ever, so constructive criticism would be great. I would love to learn how to make my story better. Correct my grammar, facts about the book, OOCness, anything! Please, no harsh or mean comments. I will try to update at least twice a week, but no guarantees on what day every week. 

RANDOM FACT: The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.



           I sigh happily, watching the waves at Camp Half Blood's beach lap at my feet. Life has been good for a year, normal, at least for a demigod. I twirl my pointer finger, and the water answers, flowing into the air into a spiral shape. I hear footsteps behind me, and out of the corner of my eye, I see my Wise Girl sit down next to me.

           She lays her head on my shoulder, and looks out onto the water. I smile down at her and wave my hand. The water recedes, leaving behind a stream that forms into the words "I love you." Her mouth twitches in a smile, and then she punches me, whispering, "Show off," into my ear. I smirk, stand up, and offer my hand to help her up. She takes it, then whirls around and judo flips me.

           I gawk at her. "What was that for?"

           She laughs, a clear happy sound that rings through the air and makes me smile without realizing it. "I felt like it, Seaweed Brain. Do I need a reason to judo flip my boyfriend?"

           I make my baby seal face at Annabeth and a wave splashes over her, completely drenching her.

           Annabeth flips her dripping hair back over her head, and glares at me. I gulp as she draws her knife from the sheathe at her side, and I start running so that I don't get murdered by my scary girlfriend. She screams at me, "PERSEUS JACKSON, IF YOU DON'T COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW I WILL MURDER YOU TWICE INSTEAD OF ONCE."

I shout back, "Maybe tomorrow, Wise Girl. See you around!"

           She chases me all around the camp, drawing glances from the newer campers. The others know that this will inevitably happen at least five times a week. I duck behind Zeus's Fist, only to find that Annabeth is already there. I consign myself to the fact that I am going to be killed by my angry girlfriend. There is no way around it. Unless...

           I run towards her, and twirl her around, dip her, and press my lips against hers. This always works. She gasps in surprise, then returns the kiss. I laugh in my head. She pulls away and puts her dagger to my neck. "Nice try, Seaweed Brain. But I've learned all of your tricks."

           I look around for an exit. Finding none, I wink and say, "Love you, Annabeth. See you tomorrow." And I dissolve into vapor. I float in the air, watching as Annabeth screams in mock rage. I ride the air currents back home. It's a new trick I learned after the Giant War. I call it vapor travel.

           "Mom? I'm home!" My mother comes out of the kitchen covered in flour. She gives me a big hug. "Mom! Now I'm covered in flour too!" I spit out some flour that got into my mouth.

           My mom laughs, her blue eyes twinkling in delight. "I made some blue cookies. Make sure to leave some for Paul to have some later."

           I cheer. "Yes! BLUE COOKIEEEES!" I run to the living room and stuff six or seven cookies into my mouth at once.

           My mom sighs, her eyes crinkling with a smile. "Percy, tomorrow, please don't come back until you've trained some kids! You do actually have to do your job."

           I smile back. "I will, Mom. Don't worry."


           I tug at my eyelashes, watching as some of them fall onto the floor of my ginormous bedroom. How are we supposed to win if the Neverseen has a Beguiler on their side? Yes, it's Keefe, and I'm sure he'll find a way to mess up the Neverseen's plans, but still. He can convince anyone to do anything. I'm sure the Neverseen will find a horrible way to get information out of him. No. No, I can't think about that. My eyes fill with tears as I imagine what they can get Keefe to do with his newfound powers.

           Edaline and Grady burst through the doorway into my room. Edaline softens as she sees the eyelashes on my floor and the tears in my eyes. "Oh, Sophie," she whispers as she sinks down onto the floor, enveloping me in her arms.

           "I knew it," Grady growls, "I knew That Boy would betray us one day."

           I jerk up, surprising Edaline. "No! Keefe didn't betray us! After he was covered with the magsidian and ethertine and he woke up, he had a new ability. It's Beguiling, but really strong. He can make anyone do anything! Then his mom light leaped in, grabbed Keefe, and left. It wasn't his choice at all!"

           Grady's face, once screwed up in a scowl, relaxes. "Sophie, it's fine. You don't have to defend him. If you believe him, so do I."

           "What are we going to do?" I muttered under my breath. "We need to get him out! He doesn't have a plan to leave this time." He's depending on us.

           The door opens again. Biana, Fitz, Dex, Wylie, Mr Forkle, Stina, Tam, Linh, Marella, and Maruca file into my room. I can hear the Councillors and Glimmer arguing with Sandor, who isn't letting them in. I make a mental note to thank him for that later.

           "Sophie... what happened? You look...," Biana's teal eyes flick over my disheveled hair, streaked face, and red eyes, "awful."

           "Keefe. He's... His mom took him. We need to get him back. It's all on us this time."

           Fitz sits down next to me. "Sophie, it'll be okay. Keefe can handle himself until we have a plan for saving him. In fact, he's probably making tons of trouble at their hideout right now."

           I sniffle a bit, corners of my mouth turning up slightly as I think of the havoc Keefe must be causing the Neverseen when he doesn't have to pretend that he's actually on their side.

            Stina harrumphs. "If we're going to get so worked up over needing to rescue Keefe, shouldn't we think of an actual plan to rescue him?"

           I blush a bit, realising that I ignored this obvious solution. Making a plan is probably an essential step in rescuing Keefe. Also, his Beguiling would be a good weapon for the Black Swan.

           Dex and Wylie grab my arms and haul me off my bed. I laugh, glad that I have good friends who will pick me up when I'm down. Literally. "Let's get Keefe back!"

           If we don't get him back, I will never forgive myself. 

Hope you all liked it! Please comment on what you think I should change, and I'll do it if I like it. This and the next chapter are all pretty much intro.



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