Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I own nothing.


How do these people get anything done? They take forever to decide simple details, like when to do something. Gods, even An-she didn't plan this much!

I'm sitting on the arm of one of the chairs, fiddling with Riptide. Finally, I interject into the conversation.

"Okay, you guys are annoying and plan way too much. The plan is, we're going to the Neverseen hideout next week. If there are monsters, leave those to me. I think that Sophie can find people with their minds, so you do that to Keefe. If there are people, bring me and Grady so we can freeze them or whatever. We bring Keefe home. The end."

They all gape at me. I guess they are not used to someone making up a plan on the spot.

Dex stutters. "How-what-how did you plan that so fast?"

I sigh. "You guys really aren't used to fast planners, are you?"

They all shake their heads.

Gods, these elves. "Well, it's getting late. I'm gonna get some sleep, probably outside. See y'all tomorrow!"

I vapor travel away.


Perseus Jackson is insane. He just made a battle plan in the span of five minutes, and it's actually a good one, too.

We all just stare at the spot that Percy used to be standing in. Then we turn to each other. Mr. Forkle sighs. "I actually don't see anything wrong with the plan young Perseus came up with. So, we might as well carry it out."

We nod and light leap home to get some sleep.


When I light leap back to Sophie's house the next morning, I see her pacing across the field in front of Calla's tree. A scream pierces the air. Sophie winces.

She turns towards me. "He's been screaming the entire night. What could he have been through to have such horrible nightmares all the time? And we can't even wake him up, because of the whole glowing eyes problem."

I ignore the flutter in my stomach at the sight of her. "He'll be fine. It's just a nightmare."

Percy screams again. We walk over to his body, which is huddled underneath the Panakes. He is shaking and crying, occasionally calling out names like, "Annabeth!" and "Hazel!"

Slowly, the rest of our friends trickle into Havenfield. They all watch Percy with pity in their eyes. At about 9:00, he begins to stir. "Hey, guys," he chokes out, "You've been creepily watching me sleep?"

I avert my eyes, not wanting to see his rumpled clothes and tear stained cheeks. I can tell he's trying to be cheerful, trying to keep up the facade of being perfectly fine. I've seen it on each of my friends at least once, most of all with Keefe.

They are both trying to stay happy, cheerful, sane. But you can tell. If you really look in the cracks, you can see them crumbling slowly.


We are in Sophie's bedroom, for some reason, and Percy asks, "How are we going to know who is Neverseen and who isn't?"

Sophie answers, "Well, the Neverseen wear black cloaks with white eyes on the sleeves."

Percy's eyes darken until they are almost black. "White eyes?" His voice is menacing, quiet and deadly.


Keeper of the Lost Cities: Hurricane (PJO/HOO and KOTLC crossover)Where stories live. Discover now