Chapter 15

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I wake up to Percy's scream. I'm confused. I thought that Dex's father had helped him with the dreams. There is an elixir that he drinks every night to stop the nightmares. I walk out the door, and Percy runs past me. Then he backtracks, his eyes wild. "Where are they? Where did they go?"

I blink the sleep out of my eyes, suddenly alert. "Who? Who's missing?"

Percy growls. "My friends! Nico, and Will, and Reyna, and Kaylie? Where are they?"

"You mean they're not here?"

If possible, Percy looks even more panicked. "You mean you don't know where they are?"

I shake my head. Percy takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Okay. Okay, maybe I can Iris Message them. Okay." He pulls a large gold coin out of the pocket of his jeans, I think it's called a drachma. He flicks his hand, and the air fills with mist. He throws the coin through the mist and says, "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Nico Di Angelo, wherever the Hades he is."

The mist shimmers, and a dark cabin appears. Nico is sleeping on a bed, with Will next to him in another. Percy inhales, and then yells, "NICO DI ANGELO!"

Nico jolts up in the bed, a hand grasping for the sword on the side table, before realizing that it was only Percy in an I.M. "What?" he snaps.

"You can't just leave! I didn't know where you were! I was going insane over here!"

I nod, validating his story, "He was. He was screaming and everything."

Percy continues ranting. "You have no idea how worried I was, and I couldn't find you, and you could've been dead, and you should have told me, and-"

Reyna's head pops into the picture. "Perseus Jackson," she says, her voice scarily calm. "Why are you yelling at my little brother?"

Percy yelps, then gulps, then shrinks backwards. "Um, I wasn't?"

I smirk at Percy's terrified face. "The mighty Hero of Olympus, scared of the daughter of Bellona?"

Percy turns to me, surprised. "You have a good memory."

I nod. "Photographic, actually."

Reyna clears her throat, and Percy winces. "Okay, so I was worried when I couldn't find you so I I.M.ed you and then I yelled at Nico for leaving without telling me, so yeah."

"Have you forgotten the fact that you had stormed off to bed before we could tell you anything?"

Percy scowls. "Can you really blame me? I'd like to see you tell some people you met a couple of weeks ago your life story." He laughs. "I'd actually love to see that. It'd be hilarious."

Reyna glares at him, and Percy cowers into himself. "Sorry, sorry! I'm joking!"

I smile to see Percy so relaxed around his friends. He never shows weakness around us, unless he can't help it, but this? This is a symbol of his trust.

Will swipes his hand through the Iris message, and Percy rolls his eyes. "I love those guys, but they really are insane." Then he thinks for a second. "I'm insane, too." He grins wickedly.


Percy is staring up at the giant crystal castle. "What. The. Actual. Hades. You have a freaking castle."

I laugh, then turn him around. "Twelve of them, actually."

He curses in Ancient Greek, but I translate. "σκατά, έχουν κάστρα γαμημένα!" (Dunno if that's right, I got it off Google Translate.) Then I erase the translation from my mind, blushing furiously.

Keefe smiles at my embarrassment. He's told me that he can feel Percy's emotions on the air, too. That makes me think that growing up with humans has something to do with it.

Dex grabs Percy's arm and whirls him around, making him face the giant emerald palace, where Tribunals are held. Percy's eyes widen even more. "Sweet Mother Rhea! What is this, Oz?"

I smirk. "No, Shangri-La actually."

Percy stutters. "Wha-I thought-how?"

I raise an eyebrow. "You have visited Olympus. And the new Atlantis. Why are you surprised?"

"Fair point."

We walk into the green castle, and Percy narrows his eyes at the twelve Councillors on their chairs. "Twelve of them. There's always twelve of them."

Councillor Emery leans forward in his chair. "Would you like to explain what you mean by that, Perseus?"

Percy smiles sweetly, so I know right away he's going to get himself into trouble. "Nope!"

This gets a mixed reaction. Councillors Oralie, Bronte, and Terik stifle a laugh. Emery, Derek, and Liora look vaguely discomfited. Councillor Alina gasps, offended. "Well, I never! You, young man, will treat this Council with respect!"

Percy's eyes are gleaming. He is having way too much fun with this. "You will be treated with exactly as much respect as I think you deserve. So currently, none! Because I know nothing about you, so I don't know how much respect you get." He thinks for a moment. "I think that's what the phrase 'with all due respect' is for."

Alina's mouth moves, but nothing comes out. She looks absolutely scandalized, and Percy busts out laughing. "I love making powerful people mad!"

Then his face goes hard, and he says, "So, I'm not going to talk about how apparently, solving your world's problems isn't your number one priority. We are going to get started, so, guys?"

At the obvious signal, Tam steps forward with the piece of hive. Dex tosses the shard of obsidian in the middle of the room. Keefe javelins in the sword. I float over the Panakes petals with telekinesis, and Linh does the same with the aurified goblin. Percy pulls the ten from his pocket and lets it waft down to the floor. There is a large crack in the air, and Silveny, Greyfell, Wynn and Luna fly down from it. They land on the floor, bowing to Percy.


Councillor Emery blinks in surprise. "Perseus, why do they bow to you?"

Percy smiles coldly at him. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Bronte huffs. "Perseus, here, is the son of-" He stops abruptly.

Percy has somehow conjured a knife out of thin air, and is filing his nails with it. "Are you sure you want to finish that sentence, Councillor Bronte?" His eyes have a glint that makes us all aware that he is serious. He will throw the knife if it is in his best interests. Or our best interests. And that scares me. 

Last week of voting! I will decide based on votes on Friday.

Percy is the grandson of Voldemort- 4


Percy dies and goes to Valhalla- 3



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