Chapter 7

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I HAVE RETURNED!!!!! Hope you all had a good 4th of July, if you're from the US, Canada Day, in Canada, obviously, or the Bastille Day in France. Thanks for actually reading this.



Oh gods. I've finally found a loophole. If I die on someone else's blade during battle, it counts as dying in a battle. I can die. I can see my friends and my mom again.

Yes, it was painful when the flesh of my stomach was pierced by the blade. But the pain was overwhelmed by the enormous relief I felt at seeing my family.

I open my eyes. It's too bright, but I can see Jason. And Piper. And Leo. And Frank. And Hazel. And... and Annabeth. I can feel my eyes tearing up. I run towards them. They run towards me. We meet in the middle, and I'm enveloped in a hug with the entire Seven. I'm sobbing and there all comforting me and hugging me and, "Shh, shh, it's all right Percy, you can cry."

"Oh gods. Guys, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm no hero."

Hazel punches my arm. "Percy Jackson. You are not allowed to say that.You are the strongest, most powerful demigod in centuries. You have stopped the world from ending twice. You are, without a doubt, a hero.

Frank smirks. "Clarisse is waiting for you in Elysium. She says she wants to pummel you. But first, Annabeth is going to kill you."

They step aside, letting a fuming Annabeth come up to me. "SEAWEED BRAIN! How dare you commit suicide to be with us! When you actually die, I'm going to hunt you down and kill you!"

I shake my head. "What do you mean? I'm dead."

Annabeth rolls her eyes, and I smile at the familiar exchange. "Seaweed Brain, you aren't dead. Hades won't let you die. He's just letting us visit you for a little while."

I want to scream. Why, WHY won't the gods just leave me alone?

Annabeth sees and smiles at me. "Percy, it's not your time yet. You need to help the elves. They are in a... a war of sorts with a group of rebels. I don't exactly get it, but you should help them. But Percy, promise me. Promise you won't control what isn't meant to be controlled."

I wince. "Annabeth... I-I can't really control it. Sometimes it just happens, and people stop like they've run into a brick wall, and it's awful and I can't stop controlling them, and then I feel like a monster, but I can't cry, I can't be weak, I can't let my emotions control me."

"Okay, then. Percy, promise me you won't control things on purpose."

I nod, tears streaking down my face. I can do that. "But Wise Girl. What if I can save someone's life with it? Like, if someone is about to stab them, can I freeze them?"

I smile as Annabeth's grey eyes become stormy with the moral dilemma. "Yes. If it's to save a life, go ahead."

Leo and Jason come up to me. "Hey, bros! How's Elysium?"

Leo grins maniacally. "I have come up with so many pranks. The Stoll brothers are helping me out. And there's this pair of twins with red hair who are amazing at tricking people."

Jason rolls his eyes. "They're all driving everyone mad. Every morning we wake up with shaving cream in our toothpaste, or whoopie cushions on the chairs."

I smirk. Elysium sounds like paradise. Wait. Elysium is paradise. Hmmmm.

Piper's suddenly in front of me. "Heard my mom gave you charmspeak."

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Hurricane (PJO/HOO and KOTLC crossover)Where stories live. Discover now