Chapter 2

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           The next morning, I make myself some cereal, and then head out to Camp Half-Blood, calling out, "See yah, Mom!" on the way out. I hear a faint, "Bye Percy!" when I am outside of the door. I cab-whistle so loud that every taxi within, like, 5 blocks came rushing towards me. But I wave them all away, and wait as Mrs. O'Leary fades out of the shadows.

          "Hi Mrs. O'Leary! Nice to see you again. Could you take me to Camp?" Mrs O'Leary whines in agreement. I hop on, and she runs towards a tree, melting into the shadows right on time.

          "Hey, Percy!" "PERCY'S HERE!" "YAY, Percy training time!"

           I smile as a bunch of little voices from the newest campers echo in my ears. I love training them in sword fighting. They aren't that young, the youngest being 9, but they seem so small and innocent to me. They shouldn't have to grow up so quickly. It's not fair.

           "Percy? Percy, why are you angry?" I look down to see Kaylie, a 10 year old daughter of Nike. She isn't super competitive like most of her siblings, she just tries her hardest at everything, and she's pretty good at everything she does. Honestly, she is probably my favorite newbie.

           "I'm not angry, Kaylie. I'm just a little sad. Thinking about some things."

           "No, Percy! Don't be sad!" Kaylie runs at me and hugs me around the legs. I soften and go onto my knees so I can hug her back. "Don't worry Kaylie. Everything will be fine. Let's start on some training!"

           The kids cheer. I uncap Riptide and watch as the kids' jaws drop in amazement. I love the wonder in their eyes. I will try my hardest to make sure that it is never extinguished. "Okay, so today, I'll match you with a weapon."

           The kids lined up, Kaylie in the front, her eyes shining with stars. I smile down at her, then turn around and rummage through my stack of daggers, knives, swords, maces, hammers, chains, and Expando duckies(We love our little references). All Celestial Bronze or Imperial Gold, of course. Basically a demigod's dream stack of items. I think for a little, then pull an Imperial Gold dagger out of the stack. I hand it to Kaylie. "Okay Kaylie, go practice on that dummy over there."

           I go through the whole line of kids, giving each one a weapon, then telling them to go practice on a dummy. Once I've given the last kid, Jamie, a son of Hephaestus, a hammer, I go to the center of the training arena. "All right everyone, listen up!" All the kids turn towards me. "We are going to be learning a couple of defensive maneuvers." I demonstrate a couple of moves with my sword, and watch with some glee as the kids clumsily follow. They're so adorable. I let them practice for about half an hour against the dummies, then tell them that class is over.

           Annabeth comes up to me, her grey eyes sparkling with some plan or idea that she hasn't put to use yet. They're always like that now, always ready for something to do. I smile when I see her, and follow her to my cabin.

           "Tomorrow! Camp Jupiter is coming here! It's technically a peace summit, but it's just an excuse to see Reyna, Frank, and Hazel again."

           I grin, thinking about seeing the Romans again. I've missed them so much, even if I have been Iris messaging them all the time.

           "Leo is also really excited. He can't wait to see Hazel again." I narrow my eyes. I thought Leo was over his crush on Hazel?

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Hurricane (PJO/HOO and KOTLC crossover)Where stories live. Discover now