Chapter 12

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So, you can probably tell I'm Team Foster-Keefe. Not going to put it in the story, because, ew, romance. But yeah. Please read the A/N at the bottom. It's important.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING


The scene in front of us is once again in the Councillor's meeting room. Bronte is sitting in the middle of the table, but I can also see him in one of the corners.

The Bronte at the table speaks. "Since Sally didn't help us, we need to do it ourselves. We need to make sure humans are not a threat."

I can hear Percy in the nook next to me growling. "I'll show you humans being a threat. I fricking hate elves."

I sigh and turn back to the memory. Typical Percy.

Another elf, a tall woman with a pale complexion and brown hair in a braid, speaks up. "There is a family secret that I have, passed down through generations. It was kept because we believed it too dangerous to be told to anyone else. But we might need to use it now. It is used to trap a group of people, or animals, or any other species. It needs specific ingredients."

A man with striking indigo eyes tilts his head. "What ingredients, Larissa?"

She purses her lips. "One prized item from each of the intelligent species. That includes the humans. And then the current Councillors must infuse it with some of their ability."

A woman with curly black hair shakes her head. "That is not possible. Can you imagine ogres or dwarves helping us?"

I have to strain my ears to hear anything now. The sound is getting fainter and fainter, until finally a flash of light takes us out of the memory.

Percy looks like he wants to smash another vase, but he takes a deep breath. "Why do you guys all hate on us humans? What did we ever do to you?" Then he inhales sharply. "I guess-I guess I'm not exactly human, am I?"

I cock my head. "What do you mean?"

He groans and looks up at the sky. "Just a moment, guys. Imma talk to myself a little bit. He starts ranting in Greek. "Hey, Big Guys! Can you release me from my oath?" Thunder rumbles. "PLEASE! I am so annoyed at having to explain everything away." The thunder is slightly quieter now. "Yes, yes. Thank you very much, oh High and Mighty Drama King." Thunder booms across the sky, and lighting crashes to the ground. Percy only laughs.

He turns back towards us. "So the people who made me make an oath about not telling you guys everything just released me from it, so gather around everybody, it's story time!"

He takes a deep breath. "Have you ever heard of the Greek gods?"

I nod, then see that some of my friends are nodding and others are just confused. "Seriously? I'm sure they taught you this in history."

The ones who were confused start to nod. "Right, right! I remember now! I wasn't really listening but it's fine," Keefe says.

"They're real."

I blink. Once, twice. Wait. What.

Percy winces. "Okay, guys, Don't go into shock, please. I can't get you out without splashing you, and you wouldn't like that."

We all erupt in a babble of conversation. "The gods are real?" "The Greek gods?" "The ones we were supposed to learn about but didn't pay attention to because they didn't seem important?"

Percy rolls his eyes, then steps in front of Keefe. Lighting bursts from the sky, striking Percy. I scream, but he comes out unscathed. "Partial immortality. Keefe, don't insult them. They hate that, especially when you're their pet project."

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