Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: Nothing has changed in the past four days. I still don't own anything in this story, except the plot. 

Also, what's your favorite color? Mine is either gold or really dark blue, like the sky at night right after sunset. 


           As I wake up, I notice that there is a box on the end of my bed. I go to open it. Inside is Councillor Oralie's cache. I frown, remembering the revelation that Oralie is my mom. I walk downstairs and eat some gnomish plants that taste like French Toast. Then I raise my pale pink leaping crystal to the sun and leap to one of the Black Swan's many hideouts.

           Mr. Forkle is sitting in one of the chairs. I walk over to him. "Councillor Oralie gave me her cache. I was thinking of working on getting it unlocked."

          He turns towards me. "Miss Foster, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about Councillor Oralie, actually."

           I wince. This is going to be a painful conversation. So I just blurt it all out before he can ask anything.

           Mr. Forkle nods. "I had a feeling that was the case. Normally, you are so open to Oralie, it was strange when you suddenly closed off."

           I am about to answer when a scream pierces the air.

           I gasp. This scream... it's suffocating. It's full of rage and pain. It sounds like someone wants to kill something. It sounds like revenge. It's primal, as if someone just reverted to their animal brain.

           The entire Black Swan light leaps into the hideout where Mr. Forkle and I are. Grady and Edaline run towards me. "Are you alright? What happened?"

           I shake my head. "It wasn't me. We all heard it."

           Linh shakes her head. "The scream... it had a quality to it that reminded me of water. Like the person was close to water or somehow had an affinity to water when they screamed."

           Biana frowned. "How could you tell? I can't tell if someone's invisible when they're mad and decide to scream."

           Linh thinks, her face scrunched up a little. "I could hear a rushing quality to it. It sounded like a hurricane. Didn't you hear it?"

           Everyone else shakes their heads. Mr. Forkle shrugs. "We will investigate at a later time. Maybe a couple of months from now. Someone write that down."

           Dex makes note of it. "I can make a gadget that can track down where the scream came from. I'll need Linh's help." Linh nods. "I should have it ready in about a month."

           Mr. Forkle nods. "Good. Then we will see you all a week from now. All those attending Foxfire, I will remind you that you owe Headmaster Magnate Leto an essay on why humans are not part of the intelligent species treaty."

           All the Foxfire students groan. I hate essays. I don't understand why we have to do them when we are trying to fight a war against the Neverseen. This is so annoying.


           Don't think. Just jump. I bend my legs and then leap off the top of the Empire State Building. I smile as I plummet through the air. Reyna is safe with Apollo. I will see my friends again. I close my eyes. When I open them I will be in Elysium with my friends.

           The Fates hate me. When I open my eyes, I see the throne room of Olympus. I scream. "GODS DAMMIT! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME DIE?" The Olympians flash onto their thrones.

Keeper of the Lost Cities: Hurricane (PJO/HOO and KOTLC crossover)Where stories live. Discover now