Chapter 6

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So, this chapter is long because I'll be away for a couple of weeks, so no new chapters. Sorry! Hope this make up for that, though. Please tell me if there's anything I can do to make the story better. 

QOTD: What fandoms are you part of? Not only books, musicals, movies, tv shows, etc. 


           I'm doing my essay from Foxfire when Sandor's head jerks up. He runs out of the house. I quickly follow him. Sandor is in the middle of one of the fields. I can tell there is something behind him, but I can't quite see it. I reach Sandor's side and gasp.

           In the middle of the grass is a teenage boy. He has messy black hair and has obviously been working out. He is wearing an orange shirt that says Camp Half-Blood, and blue jeans. He is just lying there. I immediately hail all of my friends. They all light leap to Havenfield.

           "Whoa," Marella gasps. "He's hot."

            We all turn on her. "Seriously?" "That's the first thing you think of?" "He's literally passed out!" "We don't even know who he is!"

            Marella puts her hands up in the universal sign of surrender. "Okay, okay. Fine. Stop yelling at me."

            We look back at the boy. I notice a glimmer in his hand. "Hey, guys? What's in his hand?"

            Dex peers at the boy's hand. "It- it looks like a leaping crystal!"

            I pale. It must be mine. The one that I dropped at the destroyed camp. So that means... "Guys. This is the person who screamed. I dropped my leaping crystal when we investigated, and it's now in his hand." I drop down next to the boy and try to pry the leaping crystal out of his hand. The next thing I know, I'm on the ground with a sword pressed against my neck.


            The first thing I remember after passing out is someone touching my hand. I can't see anything. So obviously I uncap Riptide, push the person to the ground, and shove my sword to their neck. The effects of Tartarus and all of your friends dying. You get much better reflexes.

            Immediately, there is an uproar. I can feel arms around my waist. I blindly slash with my sword, someone yelps and I'm dropped to the ground. I yell, "WHERE AM I?"

            Everyone stops talking. "You don't know where you are?" a high, squeaky voice asks.

            I shake my head. "I can't see anything. Actually, wait. I'm starting to see some things. Is that... a purple castle on a hill?" Someone snorts.

           My vision clears completely. I see eleven people in front of me. "Names?" I ask. They are all standing in the shadows, so I can't see much.

            They all step forward, but not into the light.












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