9. Twisted Charade

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"And like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness just to feel full again."


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As soon as the door open, I felt my air supply being cut off. I feel suffocated.

It's like the moment when you are shoved inside a van where a mole man was living.

I am out of my element.

Men in black. There were at least a thousands of them.

Okay I am exaggerating.

There's 50 to be precise. And 20 woman in black. And they didn't all exactly wear plain black. They were all draped in all shades of Gucci and Versace.

No, I didn't just stand there and count them. That would be fun though, just standing there uncomfortably and counting snobby giant babies.

I have all of their files and now I sound like a stalker.

As one of the member of this organization, its important I am well informed about them. We, my team and I, have all of their files and divided them among ourselves. We each deal with five of them. And their PAs. That's a lot trust me.

They aren't kids. Kids are better. These are pampered kings that live lavishly. You don't want to imagine them in small tent with limited food supply.

And a hammer instead of pen to sign billon dollar deals.

Speaking of hammer, sometimes I wish Thor would come down with his hammer and we could go to a bar and get some beer.

Anyways, my organization, STAR, Serve To Alienated Refugees, is now responsible for teaching these people how to be normal more or less. What encompasses as normal?

Their companies reached out to my organization. Our organization is non profit organization that partners up with big companies to help third world countries and the less fortunate. We are basically like Robin Hood in a sense.

We use the press and some PR to brand and these companies will do anything for some good PR. Not to brag but one time, I got to whole column on page. 9 on a Vogue Magazine once.

All these billionaires, millionaires gathered here in this big hall to prove to the world that they are no just self absorbed people.

I would call that a big win honestly because how many images of female war heroes are plastered on the front pages of a well known magazine.

One thing I learned by indulging in all the various projects is that at the end of the day, we put our needs in front of everything.

I know these snobby people could just donate and post it on Instagram but our organization believes that on hand action keeps them humbled because we are to entangled in our own lives to notice the harsh reality.

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