11. Burritos and choking

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"Her heart bloomed sunflowers so she would always face the light."
- Gemma Troy

" - Gemma Troy

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The sunlight peaks through the fluffy clouds. The air feels different. A good different indeed.

No over crowded roads. Or honking. No smoke from the big factories. No yelling of any sort.

Though I am seating in a leather seat, the smell of raw earth overpowers the disgusting leather.

A ting breaks my thoughts and I look at my phone.

Bones: Why is this awkward? I like our old group better. These people don't even talk.

Me: Too bad you already signed a deal.

Bones: I hate you.

Me: Likewise.

I put my phone down and look outside my window.

There were long green trees by the roads and on both of the road are fields that blend into the sky.

The sun is shining happily and all the birds seem to be singing.

This is like the setting for a perfect Disney plot.

Soon enough we reach our site. I pull all the materials from the truck and the Miller brothers try to help me.

Next we built out cabins which were basically jumbo sized tents.

The look of all of their faces was hilarious. It's as if you took all animals from the dessert and and dropped them in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

I look over at Daniel's group. Aiden and his PA are engrossed in a conversation. He looks flustered.

Stop looking creep.

It's not your business.

I am checking up on my friend Daniel.

Keep telling yourself that.

It's crazy that once upon a time he was just a face and then one day his face became the only face I care about.

"What am I looking at here?" Steven Miller, the middle brother, asked looking at me as if I was possessed.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about all the preparations and everything." I try to make myself look normal.

"You shouldn't worry too much, I am sure you will do amazing." He smiles at me and then winks.

I wish I had that much faith in me.

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