12. Boy next door

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"Remember your words can plant gardens or burn the whole forest down."
- Gemma Troy

" - Gemma Troy

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Not once did he make eye contact during the visit to the site. It's like he made it his mission to avoid me.

Well two can play at that game.

It's a relief I guess.

He seemed so unfazed by everything.

Meanwhile the others were genuinely happy to meet the people and some kept groaning because of all the dirt.

I am too tired to think. I am exhausted. I need to sleep.

Minute by minute I feel my eye lids getting heavier.

I type up my report on my laptop. And then someone starts banging on my door.

I know who it is.

I sigh and get up to open the door. Even before I fully open the door, he rushes into my room.

"I swear one day I might just leave you in the middle of Amazon." I say as I close the door.

"I am just confused. Why did he leave like that? Something felt old." Daniel said as kept pacing around my bed.

Why's he so invested?

"I told you, I don't know. Maybe he had work or something." I say without looking at him. I pick my laptop backup and start typing.

"He didn't even talk to me during the site. I am definitely missing something. Was the burrito bad?" Daniel has a tendency to be liked by everyone. It physically hurts him if someone isn't friendly with him.

"Stop thinking about him. If I didn't know any better I would say you might have a thing for him." I tease.

"Please, even if I were gay I wouldn't go for him." He stops pacing and sits next to me.

"Why? What would be your type?" I curiously ask.

"Well he's kind of like me. I don't want to date me. I would date like a shy, nerdy glasses kinda guy." They are similar. Both of them are funny, and people person. They do have a lot of common.

Do I have a type?

"Oh, should I warn Jade to hide her man?" I tease further.

He shoots me cold glare.

"You just described Jack." I shrug.

"You are so funny."


"Thanks. Now let's-" he cuts me off.

"Aurora you might think your clever but I know something is up. You've been acting strange since we've been here." Well my attempt at distracting him failed miserably.

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