an encounter

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"Hey, watch where you're fucking going" I yelled, getting off of the tube during rush hour was always stressful; especially on a Monday morning. I not only was running late, but now my once perfectly ironed suit had creased due to being compressed by all the bodies inside the tube. 'Today is going miserably' I thought to myself. I clambered through more people as I quickly walked up the stairs to find the exit. I had to start running if I wanted to get to work on time. Forgetting that other people were present, I rushed outside the doors only to be blessed with some prick, whose coffee was no longer drinkable; as it had now stained my white shirt. Fucking disaster. "Is this a fucking joke? You have ruined my clothes, this is actually just want I needed thank you" I hoped this guy understood sarcasm, otherwise punching him would equally let out enough anger.
"Is it? Well, in the case I'm glad I could be of service. Anything else you need?" his brown eyes slightly sparkled when he said this, I guess he enjoyed being a prick.
"Yeah I do actually, a new shirt perhaps? Or maybe you could be extremely kind and just simply fuck off?" as I said this, I gathered my work bag I had dropped prior to this conversation and started walking off. 'I might as well just phone in sick at this rate' I thought to myself.
"Hey, wait okay hey seriously wait" I turned around to be greeted with that same guy, the coffee guy, chasing me down the street.
"I'm calling the police" I said this jokingly, although I was definitely considering it.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened a second ago. If anything, I lost out on more, that coffee was bloody £6.50! What's your name?"
I had no time for this conversation but answered anyway.
"It's Chloe" I muttered angrily, speeding up my walking pace. There was a moment of silence between us.
"I'm Matty by the way, thanks for asking" he chuckled to himself.
"Look, Matty is it? I simply don't care. As magical as this has been, I'd really appreciate you going away now" he slightly smirked when I said this, I'm glad he found this so hilarious.
"Okay but before you go, you dropped this earlier. I was just catching up to give it to you. You're welcome" after he handed me my paperwork, he stormed off. I couldn't care less if he was angry, I was just thankful that this little chat was over. I shoved the paperwork straight into my bag, not caring that it would rip. Matty had already ruined it. Fuck this, I'm phoning in sick.

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