the 1975

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It was Saturday evening and I was stood outside a fucking venue for a band I couldn't give two shits about. Matty messaged me to meet him before the show but considering the last time I saw him I awkwardly left without saying goodbye, I thought best to wait until the show was over and I had drank enough to feel confident around him again. Tali was so excited. Of course I explained to her how I met George, not that she was bothered. I had managed to show her a photo of him before we left the flat and she had not shut up about him since. At least I definitely knew something positive was coming out of tonight.

Matty had managed to get us both pretty great seats actually. We were seated in the front row of seats on the side, really close to the stage. We got inside just as the opening act finished, I blame myself really; I do take ages to get ready, especially when half my time is spent panicking. I always complicate shit that's doesn't need to be complicated. Tali and I had no idea what to expect, she didn't really spend much time listening to music as she spent half her life in university and I just don't listen to shitty music.

Suddenly, the lights all went off as loud music started playing. Both of us found ourselves ecstatic for something we had no idea about. I had to admit, it was exciting. Gradually, neon lights started appearing in the shape of boxes and you could hear people's screams getting louder. There was Matty. He looked the happiest I had seen him so far. I tried to take in the moment but it was ruined by Tali screaming in my ear about how hot George looked and that he was topless? I hadn't even stopped to notice. There must have been hundreds upon hundreds of people in this fucking crammed stadium, but before he began singing he found me. He looked at me in the way he does before he kisses me. I couldn't help but feel butterflies in the very pit of my stomach. Matty totally had me, and worst of all, he knew it.

"Chloe hurry the fuck up!" Tali yelled as she grabbed my arm to run backstage to meet with the George. She clearly was happy we came. She didn't even bother knocking, and as we walked in they were all there. I hadn't met Adam yet, but I'd heard a lot about him. To my surprise, Ross greeted me first.
"Chloe! I didn't even know you were here tonight, how are you?" he said, hugging me. This guy was super friendly considering we'd only met like twice.
"Hey I'm great! You guys were so fucking good tonight! Still wouldn't stream you on Spotify though" as I said this, Matty caught my eye and chuckled to himself.
Adam spoke to me for a bit (considering we hadn't even met yet) and before I could say hello to George, Tali was already sat on his lap whispering shit in his ear that made him seem overly excited. I didn't even want to know what she was saying but that girl really didn't waste time.
"Psst Chloe" whispered a voice... Matty "Oi follow me" and with that, he grabbed my had and pulled me out of the backstage room. What was he doing?

"Erm yes?" I said.
"Follow me" he demanded, and we left to go outside of the venue.
"Why are we outsi-"
Before I knew it, he had pushed my body against the side of the building. My hands were held above my head as he got so close to me that I could feel his breathe on my body. I felt his lips as they started kissing up and down my neck. He felt so good. His hands had let go of my arms now, as they were slowly moving up my tight crop top. I wanted so much more of him right now. But we were in the back of a fucking alleyway, and I had some questions.
"Matty" I said, him slightly huffing; confused to why I had pushed him off.
"Listen, I don't know what this is. What's going on right now. But it's all a bit weird. You're not really my type and to be honest I can imagine you do this will a lot of girls after shows or whatever so, I think we should stop now before anything else happens."
That all just blurted out. I hadn't even realised that was the reason I was putting all this off. He looked at me blankly, almost disappointed. Had I said something that harsh?
"Right, fine" he said with a nod and walked off.
What had I just done?

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