the sound

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It was a few hours later, and Matty had finally replied to my angry text, whereby I said a lot of rude things and of course demanded my keys back.

*Ahah you're funny you know that? Maybe you should've called the police earlier, I'll send you my address and you can collect them*

Are you kidding me? In all honesty, part of me is thankful he's not coming to my place. Scarlett would end up giving him bitchy glares whilst Amy and Trys ask him questions about his entire life. I just chucked on a pair of flared jeans, keeping my current black jumper on, and took the keys to Scarlett's car. I would usually ask to drive it but after this morning, she just went straight back to bed.

I pulled up to Matty's house and was actually shocked to say the least. For someone with such shocking manner, he had clearly done well for himself. I knocked on the oak double doors of the house loudly in an attempt to express my frustration. He opened, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts and baggy t-shirt. His hair was all scruffy and he had his eyes half open, he had clearly been asleep.
"Don't you look charming" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I invited myself into his home.
"Come on in I guess" he said as he shut the door.
The furniture inside the house was rather bland. The living room consisted of nothing much, just a large beige sofa, television and other consoles. There was odd pieces of art scattered around the walls, he obviously thought it made him look like he had some taste.
"Keys?" I demanded, his face slightly shocked that I so bluntly wanted to get out of here.
"Would you like a drink?" Matty asked, slightly escorting me more into his house.
As he did so, I suddenly heard noises, like someone was playing the guitar. I hadn't even replied to Matty, but he had walked into the kitchen to get me something to drink. I started following the sound and found a large room, filled with lots of instruments and one guy with dark hair and a beard looking as if he was rehearsing a song. He looked startled when he saw me gawking however, he proceeded to say hello.
"Hi" I said "Sorry, I probably shouldn't be in this room but you're really good!"
"It's cool, who are you may I ask? Not many girls come back here unless it's for Matty so..." he said puzzled, what he just stated really didn't surprise me.
"I'm Chloe. I came here for something, you haven't perhaps seen a pair of keys with a dinosaur keychain have you? The keychain is a weird story, don't ask."
He turned around and picked up something from a small coffee table. The table was flooded with used mugs, many with smoked cigarettes inside.
"There you go" he smiled as he handed me them "I'm Ross by the way".
"Thank you Ross, I really have to run but it was nice meeting you!"
With my keys, I quickly just left. Matty was such an ass, I didn't want to stay and converse my life story over a cup of tea. It was quite evident that he does this a lot, especially after Ross' comment. What a sleaze. I quietly closed the door behind me, ran to the car and drove off. "Hopefully I'll never have to see that weirdo again" I said, as I sighed in relief.

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