The new mission

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The K' team arrived together with Krizalid and Nameless. They found Seirah waiting for them outside.
"Come on," Seirah said, leading them in. "Heidern is waiting for you..."
They went in and sat at the back.
"Wait, you're here too?" Ralf asked, seeing Krizalid and Zayn. "Whippy, why are they here?"
"For the hundredth time, stop calling me Whippy!" Seirah said. "Anyway, they've turned their backs on NESTS and has joined us."
"I have my Isolde and that's all I need," Zayn said. "I no longer want to work with NESTS."
"Yeah NESTS is boring," Krizalid said. "Igniz is gone and there's nothing left."
"What if I tell you that Igniz is alive, just like you?" Heidern said. "Because many people have been resurrected after Verse's death. Including you."
"Where is he?" Maxima asked. "We should finish him once and for all!"
"We aren't sure what his intentions are," Heidern said. "He's laying low. Really low."
"What is he planning to do now?" K' asked, annoyed. "Hasn't he had enough?"
"Well, he choose to die," said Heidern. "But at the same time, he didn't choose to get resurrected."
"So what do we do now?" Clark asked. "Do we pay him a visit?"
"And we're bringing him a knuckle sandwich," said K'. "A flaming one."
"And a ball of ice!" Kula said.
"And with a Typhoon Rage," Krizalid added.
"He's gonna get drilled and burned," Zayn added.
"And with a cannon blast," Maxima said
"Voodoo is coming with me," said Seirah.
"Vulcan Punch!" Ralf and Clark both said.
"Question," Kula said suddenly. "Where's the moody girl?"
"You mean Leona?" Heidern asked and Kula nodded. "She's with her father."
"Gaidel is alive?!" Almost everyone asked.
"Affirmative," said Heidern. "We found him in the shore of the Okinawa Beach."
"Well, that's good," Maxima said. "At least she has her father by her side now."
"And I will always be her father too," said Heidern. "Always."
"Aww..." his soldiers said together.
"Alright, lets not get cheesy now," Heidern said with a laugh. "Anyway, I want you guys to pay our pale friend a visit."
"Do we have to?" K' asked with a groan. "Why can't your soldiers go? Ralf is always harassing my sister."
"Hah!" Seirah said, pointing to Ralf.
"You actually told him that?" Ralf asked, annoyed. "Alright squirt, wanna fight?"
"Bring it on, bandana," K' said.
K' got up and cooly walked up to Ralf, who was standing at the front with Heidern. He took his sunglasses off and hung in his collar.
Ralf got into his fighting stance. Clark took out his phone to take a video of their fight. Kula took out a lollipop and stuck it into her mouth.
"Alright, you two," Heidern said, stepping in between them. "You will do nothing of the sort."
"Fine..." the guys said and went back to their places.
"So I guess it's dismissed?" Heidern said. "You guys can go pay a visit to Igniz now."
The K' team left the meating room and waited outside for the soldiers. Heidern was having a word with them.
"Is Leona coming?" Seirah asked.
"No, she better not," said Heidern. "You guys better not go in a big group. Three people is enough."
"So just the three of us?" Clark asked.
"No," Heidern said. "Clark, you go. Together with K' and Krizalid."
"What about me?" Ralf asked.
"You keep watch outside," Heidern said. "I wanna see if that new guy really has turned his back on NESTS. That younger fella definitely has since all he wanted was his girl."
"I see what you're getting at," said Seirah. "Okay. Clark, lets go."
They went to the place where Igniz was last spotted in one of the Ikari Warriors' plane. The last place he was spotted was in a town in Texas where many UFO sightings were reported. It was a very isolated place where the population was very small.
Isolde and Kula decided to stay in Japan with Foxy and Diana.

They landed at the nearest airport and rented a car. They drove all the way to the town in a rented car. Maxima stopped the car in the main road to locate Igniz's exact location.
"Alright, where is he?" K' asked, cracking his knuckles. "Maxima?"
"Scanning the area," Maxima said. "Alright he's fifty kilometres away from here."
"Alright, what are we waiting for?" Clark said. "Lets go!"
Maxima drove on the desert road towards the location where he found Igniz. They drove and drove for what seemed like ages.
They got themselves some extra fuel in case they ran out. There were no service stations within sight as they were literally in the middle of no where.
"I think his soul landed somewhere here and he just decided to embrace it," Seirah quipped. "Well, this is the hottest place for UFO sightings. And we all know that his hobby is watching UFOs."
"Yeah like how I landed in Ireland," said Krizalid. "I was planning to live there permanently, buy since I was found, I decided to move in with Seirah and the guys."
"Probably," said Ralf. "Wait, wasn't that where you were born?" Ralf asked. "You're Irish right?"
"Yeah," said Krizalid. "I am. I can speak Irish too. That's how I fooled you guys and the ninjas."
"Wait, how did you guys even find him anyway?" Clark asked. "You never told us, Sally."
The K' team started laughing, even K' was smiling.
"Alright," K' said. "It all started like this. Maxima, Zayn, and I went to a convenient store because we needed to get some stuff, especially Zayn. That kid didn't even pack."
"I was in a hurry," Zayn said. "Well, I packed some stuff, unlike Isolde."
"And there was this weird dude in a long, high-collared, hooded black coat waiting in line in front of us," Maxima continued. "We didn't mind much, we thought he was just weird. And also because it was cold, so that might've been the reason for the coat."
"It is the reason for the coat!" Krizalid said. "The place was freezing! You guys thought I was weird?!"
"Shh," Ralf said, enjoying the story. "Guys, continue."
"We didn't really mind and just waited for our turn," said K'. "Until, our friend kinda jumped when he saw us."
"Well yeah," said Krizalid. "I wanted to have a peaceful life, and you guys were there. I panicked!"
"Shush!" The Ikari Warriors said together.
"Okay fine!" Krizalid said.
"Okay at that time, we were hunting for a man named Donovan who we only knew his blood type," Maxima said while driving. "It's a long story, we'll save it for later. Anyway his blood type was AB negative. So I scanned our friend out of suspicion and found that his blood group was the same too!"
"Only, Maxima made a mistake," said Zayn. "As we know, Kriz's blood type is AB positive! But at the time, we didn't know, and suspected him of being Donovan."
"Yeah it was my mistake," said Maxima. "I didn't see properly. Anyway, since he jumped when he saw us, we decided to confirm."
"I tapped him on the shoulder and..." K' didn't finish his sentence because he couldn't help laughing at what Krizalid did. "He just grabbed his stuff and ran away! He didn't even collect his change!"
"And we went looking for him when we were done," said Zayn. "Kriz, how did you run off so fast?"
"I hid in the shadows," said Krizalid. "I panicked even more when I saw you guys looking for me."
"Then we just kinda ignored the incident," said K'. "We just thought he might've been intimidated by Maxima. And then we saw him again, in a diner."
"After confirming that he had nothing to do with the ninjas, K' and Iori went to see his reaction," Maxima said. "He bolted out of the diner in top speed! And that's where we finally realised that he didn't have anything to do with the ninjas, but a ghost from our past."
"Hold it, how did Yagami enter the picture?" Ralf asked, confused.
"We'll save it for later," said Seirah. "Anyway, K', continue."
"We followed him to his home," said K'. "The ninja siblings knocked on his door, and our friend pretended he couldn't speak Japanese, and they pretended like they couldn't speak English."
"But they were terrible at hiding it," said Krizalid. "So I spoke in Gaeilge. THAT confused them nicely!"
They continued the story on the way. They had to stop midway to fuel up.

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