Disguise planning

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"Alright, I have it all set up," said Mai. "The disguises are ready, the restaurant's set, and I even booked a hotel room for them."
"Great I'll pay for all of it," said Robert. "So... for the disguises?"
"Hmm..." Mai said, thinking. "Your disguise is the hardest. But I have something that might work?"
She took out a fedora with a built-in blond wig. Robert face-palmed.
"Seriously?" Robert asked annoyed. "This is ridiculous..."
"Oh come on, you need to look more American," Mai said, pushing it towards Robert. "Blond hair is the first step. Just think how many blonds are there in South Town. At least, how many do you know?"
Robert started counting the blonds that he knew. There was Terry, Andy, Rock, Geese, Kain, King, Jan, Ryo, Mary, Kevin, Billy, Lilly and way more...
"Fine..." Robert said reluctantly. "What else?"
"Change your style," said Mai. "Shave if you can."
"What?" Robert asked, surprised. "Why?"
"To change your face, silly," said Mai. "But then again, you only recently started having facial hair. Ryo's probably more used to seeing you without facial hair. I suggest a contour and maybe a spray tan?"
"Ooo you're gonna look so different!" Yuri said excitedly. "I can't wait to see you in disguise!"
"Just see what I'll do," Robert said with a smirk. "Meet me near Pao Pao at seven. Bet you guys won't be able to recognise me!"
He left with the hat that Mai gave him. He went home and started planning his disguise.
"Mr Sakazaki, I suggest you wear a wig," said Mai. "How about a bald wig?"
"No!" Yuri shouted, hugging her father. "You are not making dad bald! I hate bald people!"
"Fine then," said Mai, annoyed. "How about a long wig? Anything besides black wouldn't work so well because the fact that you're Asian is written all over your face."
"Yeah, that's true," said Takuma. "Yeah, I guess a long wig might help."
"Alright," said Mai, taking out a slightly long black wig. "Yuri, help your father pick out an outfit to make him look younger. Use makeup if necessary."
"Sure thing," said Yuri. "What about me?"
"Ah for you I have a long black wig," said Mai, taking out a wig. "You need to wear a different style too. I suggest you go shopping or wear something that you hardly wear so that Ryo wouldn't recognise you. He might recognise you by your clothes alone, you know?"
"Yeah," said Yuri. "Should I wear glasses or something?"
"Sure but make sure it's inconspicuous," said Mai. "Don't even think about wearing those ridiculous costume glasses..."
"Of course not!" Yuri said. "Aight, dad. Lets go plan our disguises!"
"How many wigs do you even own?" Takuma asked. "You have like tons and tons!"
"Well, as a ninja, I need to own some disguises too," said Mai. "You know, so that I can blend with the surroundings?"
"Right..." said Takuma. "Come on, Yuri. Lets plan our disguises!"
"One more thing," Mai said, stopping them. "Is Ryo at home?"
The Sakazakis groaned.
"I should've known..." said Mai. "Don't worry, I've got backup."
She took out her phone and dialled Andy's number.
"Hey baby, can you do me a favour?" Mai asked. "Nah we just need to distract Ryo. The Sakazakis and Robert are planing to set him up with King. You would? Great! Thanks babe!"
Yuri started laughing as soon as she hung up.
"Alright, the coast should be clear now," said Mai. "Andy said he'll go with Terry. And we all know how good Terry is at distracting people, especially Ryo."
"Great!" Takuma said. "Lets go."
The Sakazakis arrived home to see Ryo getting ready to go out with the Bogards.
"I'm going out with the Bogards," said Ryo. "I'll be home late too because a friend called a meeting at Pao Pao."
Father and daughter looked at each other with a grin. Mai used that excuse to lure him to Pao Pao Cafe.
"Sure Ryo," said Takuma. "We don't mind."
"Yeah have a good time with the guys!" Yuri said, giggling. "See you later, Niisan!"
Ryo sensed that there was something wrong with these two but just shrugged it off. He went to the mall where the Bogards were waiting.
Mai told them to just take him wherever they wanted, but bring him home at six-thirty. The date was scheduled at seven-thirty. He needed time to get ready for the sneaky date.
Yuri and Takuma had a hard time disguising themselves.
"You still look you, pa," said Yuri. "Wait, let me find something..."
She dug in his closet and found a shirt that Takuma hadn't worn for more than twenty years.
"Wow, dad!" Yuri said, looking at the shirt in surprise. "This looks really good! Why aren't you wearing this anymore?"
"It's really old," said Takuma. "I wore it when I was still dating your mother. In fact, she's the one that got me that shirt."
"Awww..." Yuri said, touched. "That's so sweet! You're wearing this, then!"
The shirt looked okay, but didn't smell okay. It smelled musty!
"Wait, let me give this a quick wash," said Yuri, running to the laundry room. "And a quick dry too."
She came back after a while and gave the shirt to her father.
"Here, wear it now," said Yuri.
Takuma did and he actually looked a lot younger.
"Hah!" Yuri said, amazed. "Great! You look amazing!"
"You think so?" Takuma said, looking at himself in the mirror. "Yeah I do... oh the times I spent with Ronnet, wearing this..."
He was overcome with memories dating back to the times he went on dates with his late wife. Yuri had to snap him back to reality.
"I just need to conceal your wrinkles a bit now," Yuri said, taking out some makeup. "Just hold still..."
She finished and Takuma looked way younger.
"This is great and all, but what about you?" Takuma asked, pointing to Yuri who still wasn't ready yet. "You need to get ready too..."
"I have it planned," Yuri said with a smirk. "You wait here, I'll go get changed."
She went to her room and got ready quicker than expected. She came out looking completely different.
"You look great," said Takuma. "What time is it?"
"Gosh, it's almost six-thirty!" Yuri said, panicking. "Wait let me get my purse."
She quickly grabbed her stuff and headed for Mai's. They even brought extra clothes so that they can return as themselves when Ryo was already home.
They quickly jumped into Takuma's car and rode to Mai's place. They saw Ryo's car return on the way.
Ryo saw them too and texted them.
Ryo: Where are u guys going?
Yuri: Shopping
Yuri: 😁😁
Takuma: Yep
Takuma: My treat for her
Ryo: Whatever...

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