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"Aight do you have Athena's number?" Terry asked his brother. "Iori wants to make a band comeback and I honestly miss playing too."
"Nope, sorry Terry," said Andy. "But I do know where they live for now. Shun and Meiten went to see them the other day and he just texted me the address."
"Wow you're more advanced than I am," Terry said, seeing the text that Andy just sent. "Anyway, thanks dude. You wanna come with me?"
"Nah I'm going out with Mai," Andy said. "Try asking Rock."
Rock was out, hanging out with Jae-Hoon.
"He's out," said Terry. "So I guess I'm going alone then."
"Can I come?" Scott asked suddenly. "I'm kinda bored. Rock said he'd go to the arcade with me but ended up ditching me..."
"Oh yeah we forgot about you," Andy said, looking at Scott. "Anyways, bye Terry."
Andy left to hang out with Mai while Terry took Scott to the address that Andy sent him.
"Alright so this is the place," said Terry, getting out of the car. "Come on. Let me show you my friends."
"Wow this is so cool!" Scott said, getting out of the car with Terry. "I'm meeting contestants from KOF!"
"You can actually join KOF too, you know?" Terry said. "But you need to learn. Well, considering what you did at the Kyokugenryu Dojo, I think that would be quite unlikely."
"Oh come on that was because I was having fun mocking Maple!" Scott said, grinning as he remembered the incident. "Hey but I think Rock has a thing for her."
"Really?" Terry said, pressing the elevator button to go up.
"Yeah!" Scott said. "He always turns red when she's around. I mean... he's always red around girls but he turns extra red when she's around..."
"Yeah he's always nervous around girls," Terry said with a sigh. "I should've made him make friends with more girls..."
"Poor Rock," Scott said, stepping into the elevator with Terry. "Doesn't he have cousins or something?"
"Nope," Terry said, pressing the elevator button. "Not that I know of, anyway..."
"Oh yeah I kinda forgot," Scott said, realising. "Well then, don't you have any girlfriends?"
"Yeah I do," said Terry. "Her name's Mary. She's like a mom for Rock."
"Aww that's so sweet," said Scott. "But how come I've never seen her?"
"She rarely comes over to my place when Andy is around," Terry said. "Andy hates dogs while Mary doesn't go anywhere without her dog, Anton."
"Oh wow..." Scott said. "Hey can I see her? I wanna meet her!"
"Sure I'll take you to her place after this," Terry said, stepping out with Scott as the elevator doors opened. "It's quite nearby actually."
They searched for Athena's apartment suite and knocked on her door.
Athena opened with her hair in a messy bun.
"Oh hi Terry!" Athena said when she saw him. "It's so nice to see you!"
"Yeah it's nice to see you too," said Terry. "How are you doing?"
"Oh I'm good!" Athena said. "Come in, have a seat!"
Terry and Scott entered and sat down. Scott was awkwardly sitting there since he didn't know anyone there.
"Who's your friend?" Athena asked, seeing Scott. "Hi! I'm Athena Asamiya. What's your name?"
"S-Scott Patton," Scott said, starstruck. "Wow... you're the Athena! Can I have a selfie and an autograph?"
"Sure I can give you an autograph," Athena said. "But selfie... I don't think I can in this state..."
Terry started laughing as Athena untied her bun and tried to arrange it to look better. She took her phone out and took a selfie with Terry and Scott.
"Terry, can I have your number?" Athena asked, seeing hr phone. "I wanna send you those pictures."
Terry took her phone and sent the pictures to himself.
The first thing he did when he received it was sending it to Iori.
"Alright the reason why I came here is I wanted to ask you something," Terry said.
"What is it?" Athena asked.
"Iori suggested we make a band-comeback," Terry said. "So do you wanna join us? Iori called a meeting at Sundeer Cafe in Tokyo this Saturday. Can you make it?"
"Sure!" Athena said. "My next concert is at Tokyo anyway. My concert here is tomorrow. I can make it."
"Great!" Terry said. "So it's on. Thanks Athena."
"Aww that's okay," said Athena.
Chin suddenly came out of his room, dressed I'm pyjamas.
"Master Chin!" Terry said, scrambling to his feet to bow. "How are you doing?"
He pulled Scott up too and made him bow.
"Oh I'm doing good, Terry," said Chin. "As long as happiness lives in me, I will be as good as always."
"Who is this guy?" Scott asked softly. "He looks as dried up as beef jerky!"
Terry stepped onto his foot.
"I'm sorry, Master Chin, but we need to go," Terry said. "See you soon, Master Chin."
He quickly left with Scott.
"That kid needs to see more in life," Chin said to himself. "But he has already seen lots. He deserves to have some fun."
Terry was giving Scott a lecture on the way to his car.
"Do you know how old he is?" Terry said, coming out of the elevator. "Do you know how much of the world he has seen? He's ninety!"
"Oh my gosh, really?" Scott asked in shock. "Now I kinda feel mean..."
"Don't worry, he knows that you don't mean a thing," said Terry, unlocking his car before getting in. "He has seen tons of kids like you and perfectly understands. He is a very wise man. And he loves to have fun."
"I can tell," Scott said, getting in too. "Anyway... can you take me to Mary's home?"
"Sure," said Terry, starting the car. "You don't mind dogs right?"
"Oh I love dogs!" Scott said. "I always wanted one but my budget didn't allow..."
"Alright, let's go to Mary's place," said Terry, getting out of the parking lot. "Come on."
He drove to Mary's home.
She was sitting outside with her laptop. She was looking something up for a case. Anton was sitting next to her like a loyal guardian.
Mary did not notice these two entering but Anton did. He started wagging his tail as soon as he caught the familiar scent of Terry.
Mary noticed the sudden change of behaviour in her dog and looked up at Terry. She smiled as he came to her.
"Hey Terry," Mary said, smiling at him. "Who's this kid?"
"This is Scott," Terry said, pointing to Scott who was playing with Anton. "His dad is in rehab so that's why Andy and I let him live with us."
Scott didn't notice what Terry was saying because he was having a good time with Anton. Anton knew the difference between dog lovers and dog haters and liked Scott too.
"Have a seat, Terry," said Mary, motioning to the chair in front of her. "So how are you doing?"
"I'm fine," Terry said with a grin. "So how's your case going?"
"I have no idea," said Mary. "There aren't many leads so I'm going over the evidence the police found."

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