Date plans

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Iori woke up to the sound of Aiko's alarm in her bag. He fell asleep on the chair with Aiko leaning on him from the chair next to him.
He got up slowly and leaned her down on the chair he was sitting on. Or rather, sleeping on.
Iori made his way to the nearest bathroom and freshened up. After all, he was in someone else's house. He was kinda sad that he couldn't brush his teeth. Well, K' would definitely mind if he had used his brush. That guy cared so much about personal hygiene. He did steal some cologne though. He didn't know who's it was, but definitely not Kula's or Seirah's.
So instead, he went downstairs to the nearest drugstore and bought a few toothbrushes, trying his best to not open his mouth.
He brushed his teeth and realised that Kyo woke up too. He sat up and yawned loudly. He kinda looked surprised to find himself in another apartment with all of his friends strewn around on chairs and sofas.
He slowly got up and tried to make his way around the apartment. He saw Iori leaving the bathroom with a toothbrush.
"I bought one for you too," Iori said. "There's toothpaste there, on the sink."
Kyo nodded and went to freshen up in the bathroom. He found a bottle of cologne on the bathroom shelf and grinned mischievously.

K' was surprised to see more than half of his cologne gone. Kyo was no where to be seen, only a 'thank you' note sat on the chair that Kyo slept on the night before.
"Someone drank my cologne," K' complained. "Iori, was it you?"
"I only used a few sprays," Iori admitted truthfully. "The one that showered after me was..."
"Kyo..." they both said together.
Iori picked up the note that Kyo left behind. It had a strong scent of K's cologne. He gave it to K', who immediately frowned.
"That was my favourite cologne..." K' said, dismayed. "Luckily Kriz got me some for my birthday. But it isn't that one..."
The others were still asleep. They were kinda concerned since they were all sprawled in uncomfortable positions, especially Krizalid. He had fallen asleep face down on the sofa, one leg stretched out behind him and the other serving as Zayn's pillow on the ground.
"Ouch..." Iori said looking at him. "Should we wake him?"
K' shook his head and swatted his hand slightly.
"Leave him be," K' said lightly. "He'll wake up eventually."
Iori decided that he would make breakfast. K' sat at the kitchen table, looking at his phone. Iori decided to just make bacon and eggs since that was the only thing they had enough ingredients for. Maxima woke up and joined them.
"I heard something about someone drinking something," Maxima said.
"Kyo finished my cologne," K' said in an irritated tone. "He practically drank it."
"And sprayed it on the note he left behind," Iori added, frying the bacon. "Poor Dash, Kyo finished more than half of the bottle."
Kyo was proud of it. He found that his clothes smelt like fish since he left the shioyaki in his pocket all night. So he got rid of the evidence and masked it with loads of K's cologne.
Maxima was surprised to find that the kitchen smelt like rotten fish. He found the source in their trash.
"Someone disposed some grilled fish here," Maxima said. "Looks like it has been prepared last night, left to rot and now disposed off here."
"Kyo..." the two younger men said together again.
Krizalid and Zayn walked into the kitchen. Krizalid was rubbing his back while Zayn was rubbing the back of his head. Krizalid sat up, not knowing of the object on the back of his left thigh. Zayn's head was violently jolted aside.
"So how's your body ache?" K' asked, amused.
"How did you know?" Krizalid asked, surprised.
K' smirked and showed him his phone. He had snapped a picture of his uncomfortable sleeping state. Krizalid facepalmed when he saw how K' had actually snapped a picture of him.
"I've never had any brothers, but I can see how they actually are," Krizalid said at last.
"Well, you're right on that one," Aiko said, coming in with her hair in a messy ponytail. "I can't count how many times Niisan has taken picture of me asleep with my mouth open."
Iori started laughing. He was flipping the egg and he almost threw it onto himself. Everyone started laughing at him.
Aiko's phone started ringing. Iori rushed to her side with a spatula only to see the words 'Annoying Casanova' on the caller ID.
"Don't pick up," Iori warned. "He's a jerk."
Aiko sighed and put her phone down in front of her. Benimaru never stopped calling her.
"I'm picking up," Aiko finally said.
She answered it and put it on speaker mode. Everyone leaned over eagerly.
"Hey Aiko," Benimaru's musical voice came. "You wanna go out tonight?"
Aiko looked up at Iori. Iori nodded thoughtfully.
"Hmm, hold on for a sec, Beni," Aiko said and put him on hold.
"What shall I say, Niisan?" Aiko asked Iori. "Should I agree or not?"
"Just say yes," Iori said, much to her surprise.
"Niisan?" Aiko said, surprised. "Really? What if it ends up like last time?"
"We'll spy on you," Iori said with a smirk.
"We?" K' asked, surprised.
"Oh come on, you guys had fun the last time," Iori pointed out.
"I knew it," Aiko said, much to their surprise. "I knew that you guys weren't there just because you wanted to check out the band."
Aiko spoke to Benimaru again.
"My schedule's clear for the night, Beni," Aiko said. "I'll come."
"Great!" Benimaru said. "I'll pick you up later."
He hung up and Iori started making plans, that was after serving the breakfast.
"You guys wanna help me spy on their date?" Iori asked while eating. "I'm gonna need some backup this time."
"Sure," Zayn said. "It was fun the last time."
"I wanna come too," Isolde said.
"Alright, what about me?" Maxima said. "No one's gonna invite me in?"
"You're hard to disguise, Max," K' said. "You are anything but inconspicuous."
Maxima smirked and pressed a button on his forearm. His chest canon and his machine guns on his wrists disappeared. His fists became smaller and his body started changing. His broad shoulders became smaller and so did his chest. His face became a little smaller too. After about a minute of changing, he was only a little bigger than Krizalid.
"What do you think?" Maxima asked, showing his new appearance. "I look a lot different now, don't I?"
"Why didn't you do this when we were all squashed into a car back in Texas?" K' asked, annoyed. "We were packed like sardines and you just sat there, like a hulking beast."
"It was fun," Maxima said with a chuckle. "Also, I kinda forgot about it back then..."
"A cyborg can actually forget," Krizalid said, nodding solemnly. "Alright, what do we do?"
Iori made a huge plan and they all looked forward to it. A little bit of spy work did sound fun...
"That actually sounds fun," Seirah agreed. "We'll do it!"

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