The stakeout

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"Alright," Terry spoke through a Bluetooth headset, sitting with Rock in a cafe. "Ninja, is the target on sight?"
"Not yet," Andy replied, in a stakeout in front of Joe's house. "Joe, have you received any notes today?"
"Nope," said Joe. "What about there, Terry? Any sign of Billy?"
"Not yet," Terry replied. "But according to our observations, he comes here everyday to try and find himself a girl before heading to the park to try and seduce women."
"Now that's lame," Joe said. "Tell me as soon as he's there. I've already made preparations for a serenade for Lilly."
"Seriously?" Andy asked, amused. "You're so cheesy..."
"I know," Joe said. "But please..."
"Maybe that's why you're still single?" Terry said teasingly. "Because we already have girlfriends, besides you."
"Ahem," Rock cleared his throat. "Joe, I'm with you in the single club."
"You haven't made a move on that Maple girl?" Joe asked surprised. "Gosh, you're worse than me..."
"Well there's someone else who's in your single club," said Andy.
"Who?" Rock asked.
"Billy Kane!" Andy said, laughing loudly.
"Oi, aren't you supposed to be stealthy?" Terry asked. "Some ninja you are.."
"Shh, I think he's coming!" Andy whispered, seeing a weird guy in a hood walking towards Joe's house. "Gotta go!"
The weird guy slid a letter into Joe's letter slot and peeked into the window.
"He slid a letter into your door," Andy said. "Joe, open the letter. Is it the love note?"
"Gimme a sec," Joe said, going to pick it up. "Yep. It is."
"I'm following him," Andy said, silently following the man. "I'll update soon."
He started walking around and passed the cafe that Terry and Rock were at. Andy saw them through the window and waved at them.
"Dude, don't wave at us like that," Terry said. "We're staking out!"
"Oops," Andy whispered. "Sorry..."
He just continued walking along the street. He stopped in front of a shop window and began fixing his reflection. Andy quickly hid in the back alley, peeking out to see if the man had started walking.
He decided to take the hood off and unzip his coat. He was an odd looking fella with black hair.
"Eww..." Andy whispered to the others. "Poor Joe! He's so ugly."
"Tell me about it!" Joe said, making a crying noise. "And why is he after me off all people?!"
"Joe, you crying?" Terry asked, amused. "Guys look, the undefeated champion is crying!"
"I'm not, idiot," Joe said. "I was just making crying sounds! Not actual crying!"
"Yeah right," said Andy, silently following the man. "Anyway, he's just walking now."
"Yo! When is Billy gonna come?" Terry asked. "We've been waiting here since forever!"
"Yeah and I'm almost done with my coffee too," Rock said, seeing how much coffee is there left in his cup. "There's only a bit left."
"Just order another one," said Joe. "Even I'm getting myself another cup of joe."
"Haha Joe having a cup of joe," Terry said with a laugh. "Joe joe. JoJo!"
"What's wrong with you?" Andy asked. "Whatever. It looks like our friend is entering a costume shop."
"What?" Rock asked. "Is he planning a Halloween party in spring?!"
"No, he's planning to cross dress again," Joe said regretfully. "Probably planning to give me another visit..."
"Poor Joe..." Terry said teasingly.
"Should I wait outside or shall I go in with him?" Andy asked. "Well, no need for reply, I'm going in."
He entered the costume shop and made sure to stay out of the strange man's sight. He still maintained stealth.
The man was choosing wigs and makeup. Andy looked at him in disappointment.
"He's planning to get a wig," Andy said in a low voice. "Can't he just grow his own hair?"
"Not everyone are like you guys, Bogard," Joe said. "You guys are known to have long hair."
"Yeah whatever," Terry said. "Continue following him. We need to know where he lives."
"You got it, Terry," Andy said. "Wait he's also getting makeup."
"Eww..." Joe said.
"Yo Billy's coming!" Rock said suddenly. "Terry, look!"
"Oh my gosh yeah!" Terry said. "Gotta go!"
Terry and Rock straightened themselves and sat as if they were having a casual conversation. They purposely chose to sit at a four-seat table because they wanted to ask Billy to join them.
"Hey is that Billy?" Terry asked, pretending to have just realised that he entered. "Billy! Come join us!"
"Oh hey guys," Billy said, giving them a smile before sitting down next to Rock. "What's up?"
"Oh just having our breakfast," Terry said, sipping his coffee. "So how are you doing after Geese's death?"
"Eh I just realised that there's nothing left for me so I just decided to turn over a new leaf," Billy said. "I just wanna settle down, relax, and get myself a girl to spend the rest of my life with."
"Well, that's good," Terry said. "Glad you're not the same gangster."
"Yeah and I'm kinda glad that you took Geese's son under your wing," Billy said, looking at Rock. "And by the looks of it, you've done a good job raising him."
"Yeah I did," Terry proudly said. "Did you see how he caught the robber yesterday? He saved a girl's purse!"
"Well, congratulations, Rock," Billy said, much to their surprise. "You've done Terry proud."
Rock just nodded with a smile. Terry and Rock suddenly heard a voice in their Bluetooth earpieces.
"Now enough with the boasting, Bogard," Joe said, annoyed. "Try and distract him."
"So uh, Billy?" Rock asked. "Had any luck finding yourself a girl?"
"Hmm no luck yet," Billy said and a waiter appeared to take his order. "Oh I want a scrambled eggs set and a nice cup of hot chocolate."
The waiter left and Billy continued.
"No one wants to date a criminal," Billy said with a sigh. "They still think I'm bad. Some people even think I've taken over Geese's place."
"Now that's very sad," Terry said sympathetically, but on the inside he was like 'in your face, Billy!' "Maybe we can give you some tips?"
"Really?" Billy said in surprise. "You would? Thank you! That would be amazing!"
Their two friends on the other line started laughing really hard. They can hear the whole conversation.
"This is precious!" Joe said, laughing uncontrollably. "Oh my gosh, this is hilarious!"
"Alright lets start now," Terry said. "First thing's first. Take that stupid bandana off. It makes you look like a crook or something."
Billy did and wanted to tie it around his arm, but Terry stopped him.
"No don't do that!" Terry said, stopping him. "You still look like a gangster when you do that!"
"Then what am I supposed to do?" Billy asked.
"Maybe you can tie it around your head instead of on your head?" Rock suggested. "Bet you'd look better that way."
Billy did and he looked better that way.
"There, that's better," Terry said encouragingly. "Nice one, Rock!"
"Send me a picture, I wanna see," Joe said, amused. "Does he really look better?"
"Yeah," Rock said and quickly changed the sentence. "Yeah I knew it would look good on you, Billy."
Rock secretly took a picture of Billy when his food arrived. He sent it to Joe and Andy.
"Oh my gosh yeah!" Joe said. "Send that weird guy to Billy and I'm good!"
"Joe..." Terry said, annoyed. "I mean, this is a really nice cup of joe, don't you think?"
"Yeah," Rock said, unable to hide a grin.

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